Dag 11/12/13/14 Hematologie

Heel veel nieuws, dus toch maar wat eerder info gepost  😉

De wijde wereld in

Dolf’s wereld wordt nu een klein stukje groter. Met de sta-lift wordt hij in de rolstoel geholpen. We maken nu echt een ommetje: naar de hoofdingang, met de lift naar beneden, naar de tuin naast het terras bij het restaurant. Dolf houdt het zitten al drie kwartier vol.

Gelukkig is het mooi weer, dus kunnen we fijn naar buiten. Wel moeten we erg opletten. Na een stamceltransplantatie mag je niet meer onbeschermd in de zon (dus huid bedekken of insmeren met zonnebrandmiddel met een hoge beschermingsfactor). De zon kan namelijk omgekeerde afstoting veroorzaken. De nieuwe (donor-) cellen kunnen doordat ze door de zon geprikkeld worden, de huid aanvallen. Daar zitten we natuurlijk niet op te wachten.

Als je in een rolstoel zit met een (sondevoeding) slangetje in je neus, zonder dat er een sondevoeding-zak aanhangt, kijken de mensen je heel onderzoekend aan. Een bezienswaardigheid ….


Weer zijn Dolf’s spieren en reflexen gecontroleerd. Door training moet de motoriek in orde kunnen komen. Momenteel onderzoekt de revalidatie-arts naar welk revalidatie-centrum Dolf kan gaan. Weddesteijn in Woerden zou misschien mogelijk zijn, eventueel Maria-oord (Vinkeveen).


Het in de (rol)stoel zitten is al een gedeelte van het trainingsprogramma. Daarnaast is nu ook een “loopbrug” ingezet. Denk hierbij aan turnen: in dit geval zijn de leggers waarop je leunt, slechts ongeveer 1,5 meter lang. Ze zijn in hoogte verstelbaar. Met de motiverende hulp van de fysiotherapeut is het Dolf gelukt zelf te gaan staan!!! Zittend op de rand van het bed, met beide handen een legger vastpakken en zich overeind duwen. Het lukte hem zijn voet een stapje vooruit te zetten en een stapje terug…

De eerste stap is gezet!!!

Dit zal zeker spierpijn opleveren, maar daar geven ze goede pijnstilling voor.


In het stamceltransplantatie-traject wordt 2 of 3x bloed afgenomen om te bepalen, hoe de verhouding donor-cellen – eigen cellen is (witte bloedlichaampjes).
Als er meer dan 95% donorcellen zijn, dan is het een goede uitslag.
Bij de 1e test enige tijd terug, was de uitslag 98%, prima dus! Binnenkort volgt de uitslag van de 2e test.
Als de uitslag dan weer prima is, hoeft de test geen derde keer gedaan te worden.
15 juli

Rode bloedlichaampjes 5,2
Witte bloedlichaampjes 2,3  (Jammer, toch weer minder weerstand dan de afgelopen periode.)
Bloedplaatjes 88

18 juli: rode gedaald tot 4.6, bloedtransfusie (2 zakjes) gegeven.


Op de dag wordt de sondevoeding stopgezet, zodat Dolf weer trek krijgt. Bij sondevoeding heb je geen hongergevoel meer, omdat er continu voedsel wordt gegeven. Daarnaast moet hij voldoende drinken, en wel een liter per etmaal. De sondevoeding wordt alleen ’s nachts gegeven (met een hogere inloop-snelheid). 
Het slikken gaat zo goed, dat Dolf nu weer drinken mag en gemalen voedsel mag eten!
Dolf is wel vaak misselijk, waarvoor hij medicijnen krijgt. Het wennen aan gewoon eten en drinken is nog niet zo eenvoudig. 

Woensdag heeft hij wel weer een colaatje gedronken!! Alles kan een mens gelukkig maken …

Wondje tracheo stoma

De eerste dagen na het verwijderen van de canule, moest Dolf, tijdens het praten, steeds op het verband duwen om het wondje dicht te drukken om ontsnappen van lucht door het wondje te voorkomen. Dat vertraagt namelijk het dichtgroeien. Je hoorde de lucht ook echt sissen, als Dolf het niet dichtdrukte. Hij vond dit heel vermoeiend. Na drie dagen hoorde je de lucht niet meer en het sneetje was nog maar zo groot als een stukje macaroni.

Verhuizing binnen het UMC

De televisie hield er mee op. Heel snel kwam de KPN-monteur. Een kabel-probleem, waarvoor het plafond open moet.

Complimenten voor de verpleging: binnen een uur was de verhuizing naar een andere kamer (nummer 11) geregeld! Want hoe kom je als patiënt de (lange) dag door zonder “bewegende beelden”?! 


221 gedachten over “Dag 11/12/13/14 Hematologie

  1. I don't really care if you are shy to win the master, I can tell you that you improved a lot since last year and was great to see you riping! Now, next year if you don't care, don't be that agivrssee! 😉

  2. TwinMamaTebI too wish for more time alone with each kid. I took K to get a haircut w me and omg was she excited- to the point of rubbing it in to B, “You stay here Bub, I”M going out with mommy”. And she was SO well behaved. It amazes me how exponentially more badly behaved they are when together.

  3. Jag har just flyttat tillbacka till Holland efter drygt tva och ett halvt ar. Man maste uppleva detta forst innan man kann tro vad som hander sig i sverige. Det ar aven varre an i Holland tyvarr. Forlat det konstiga svenska men vi har ingen svensk tangentbord kvar.

  4. I have a High Quality video that is 50 minutes long and is almost 3gb in size. I need to find a website that supports the uploading of High Quality videos that are longer than the measley 10 minute limitation and a website that can support hour long videos with large files. I don't want to have to keep dividing my videos into several parts like Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, etc, just to get them on YouTube.

  5. The Log Cabin prints are nice, but the Pocket Diary prints really call my name! Of course, I clicked on your link. I don’t know why I do that………. I haven’t bought anything yet, but I might go back. Sigh…….

  6. I love how you guys just keep removing things that we've really liked from YouTube. Yay for you. Thanks for also for not keeping us up to date on the things you are removing. We really appreciate the frustration when we realise what you've done. Now, seriously, I read all your alternate blogs. Why can't you guys just even admit, however vague, that you guys are putting in lots of new changes and tell us if things we see missing will be permanent or just something you guys are working out. Thanks

  7. that ‘innocent’ Americans had nothing to fear about this program. Who is going to define ‘innocent’?Several years ago Rumsfeld and the administration was suing Greenpeace based on some law from, I think, the early 1800s, that had been passed because of pirate ships on the coast stopping and stealing from other ships. The action by the government was largely seen as trying to backrupt Greenpeace, whom Rumsfield called a terrorist group.So, if the Bush administration decides someone is not an ‘innocent’ American, how is this phone database going to be used?

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  9. It’s seldom I read material on this subject, but I found your article interesting from the start. You make impressive points and did a great job of making it engaging.VA:F [1.6.5_908]please wait…VA:F [1.6.5_908](from 0 votes)

  10. When I was a graduate student at Tulane, there was an honor code. Copies were posted in classrooms. Instructors would hand out the tests and then leave the room. I was not aware of anyone cheating.

  11. dit :Un point important qui a été souligné et qui mérite d’être répéter est que l’argent dépensée dans le secteur privé le sera toujours mieux fait que l’argent dépensée par le secteur public. Ainsi, il est un devoir moral de ne pas payer d’impôt si notre but est de maximiser les bienfaits économiques et sociaux faits avec nos ressources acquises.En effet.

  12. no to Joe and that is that (could you imagine John Stewart having a similiar veto over the Democrat pick?). His Rove directed campaign will never cross Rush. I saw someone mention that this is just a way to make Mormon Mitt more acceptable to the hard core Dobson crowd. Sounds like that could be the reason to me.

  13. : Vous semblez ignorer que « The Voice » en France est la « copie » de « The Voice » aux Etats-Unis.Un petit rappel ne fait pas de mal : Les chaînes de télévision achètent des droits pour diffuser les mêmes émissions partout dans le monde, vous pouvez vérifier sur Youtube.

  14. resembles other video sharing website and is designed unprofessional!I loved the other video design. so sleek, simple, organized and professional!I think you should allow people to switch between the designs:/

  15. Sur Godard, bien que ce ne soit pas le sujet de votre article PA, à voir absolument le documentaire vidéo sur le site de Arte, son oeuvre vendue à la Gaumont et lui dans une sacrée panade !C’est scandaleux au regard du trait de génie, conscient/pas-conscient, qu’il a insufflé au cinéma français ..

  16. Acabo de dejar un comentario a Trying. También vale para aquí: no sé si me atreveré. A mis pecados no les gusta nada salir de paseo. Pero intentaré un pacto…Puedo adelantar uno: me confieso culpable de tener aquí encima de la mesa, ante mis ojos, una cajetilla de Celtas que no termino de enviar…

  17. In one report, it said the missile was launched from ‘north of Moscow’ and came down ‘in an unihabited area north of Japan’.Hopefully they remember some of us do actually live here.

  18. If Nigerians are dump and doomed, then Jona will continue till 2019. Otherwise, they will arise in unison to flush out this clueless and greedy imbecile, the wishes of parochial ethnic bigots like you not withstanding!

  19. Your article has made up for the mostly confusing information I’ve read on this subject. The clear, unique and interesting wording in your article made this easier to understand. This is very enjoyable reading material.

  20. Beth – I’m torn between two favorites. I love the one in front of the space mural at school and the 10th one down. I was so fascinated by ALL of the photos I forgot that I was cooking something and set off the smoke detector.

  21. Reni! Nagyon sokat gondolok Rátok és nagyonnagyon drukkolok! Csodálatos anya vagy, hihetetlen energiával! Szívből remélem, hogy minden rendben lesz! Barbara

  22. Non of the Sri Lankan local tv channels is broadcasting this event at the moment. They seems unable to pay a high rate to get the broadcasting permissions. so we are now watching the match through youtube and i should say Gooogle & Youtube rocks !!! Thanks to who ever tried to bring this event to youtube. cheers!

  23. Kiitos :). Mä en ole aivan varma onko tuo oppikirjan mukainen midi-mitta, vai kuuluisiko sen ulottua vielä vähän pidemmälle, tuohon pohkeen paksuimpaan (ja epäedullisimpaan) kohtaan.

  24. Happy Birthday Nicole have a good one.I am a follower and have linked your candy,sneek peak and blog hop to my sidebar.Thanx for the chance of winning some awesome candy.Trish (-:

  25. I’m sorry but who doesn’t know what location services do?! seriously. This is no help, it’s patronizing, stupid and blowing the issue way out of proportion, also, schools and parents tell their kids these things anyway, so? most normal people know this. so there is no need to bow it out of proportion.

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  27. Concordo em gênero número e grau. Ou "The Glen"… ou tbm Indianapolis (se bem q Bernie ñ gosta da idéia), já q msm sendo meio improvisado foi uma das melhores pistas dos 2000's.

  28. People leave mcdonalds and wal mart because they gain enough experience and skill to move on to higher paying jobs. Put another way…if mcdonalds were unionized, would anyone pay $5 for a cheeseburger? Because that is what it would cost.

  29. I feel like you came at this with a bit of male privilege. If any of the guys in the show had chosen to have a promiscuous relationship with a lady, I really don’t believe you would have made an article about it.Two consenting adults can choose to have sex with each other and not be romantically attached but still have respect for themselves.Sex =/= no self-respect.

  30. Si crainte, il y a de la part de l’un comme de l’autre de ce faire laissée, C’est peut-être aussi une façon de dire que l’on ne prend pas l’autre pour acquis…Non.

  31. A question for those of you who don't think Israel should exist:Do you think the Jews of Israel should go elsewhere (like, next door to you) or just be exterminated?Yes, the issue should make you uncomfortable.

  32. Coward 9:23pm: Yes, we know that you're actually the poster posting elsewhere as Sinner. And we know, as you keep demonstrating, that you're a disgusting misanthrope. And you know you've been asked not to post here. Now piss off.

  33. Hola!La verdad que a mi me encantaria que haya una tienda de Scrap en Argentina pero no lo hay.Pero sinceramente me gustan muchisimos lo papeles y cartulinas,y despues lo que encuentre para mi trabajo.Les dejo saludos!!!!

  34. WORD TOBBE! AMEN.Läst ekonomi på universitetsnivå i snart 4 år och jag kan i stort sett inte se på vilket sätt det skulle skada IFK Göteborgs varumärke?Absolut vokda negativt laddat? Fan, kom in i matchen..Friska millar mot nya titlar och nya storhetstider. Så hade jag sett på saken.

  35. Thanks so much, Susan! You have basically summed up our walk pretty perfectly. We’ve loved hearing so many people’s incredible stories and we are looking forward to sharing future updates as well. Thanks again for the kind words!

  36. Hi Again,Obviously, the code I pasted didn’t print, but you probably figured out I was referring to the first “alternative” in my question, the one dealing with “previous_post_link/next_post_link” in_same_cat setting.

  37. GZ is Guangzhou.Unfortunately, we do not get RT here. Although there is an interesting dramatic series that has Chinese and Russian actors. What they do is film the scenes and then dub in the voice acting. Thus, this series can exist in Russia and China. It’s really a bit brilliant.

  38. Boleh juga murid-murid sekolah melakukan tarian ini untuk merengang otot sebelum pembelajaran sekolah kerana ia tarian ceria dan menghibur. Permulaan yang baik untuk pembelajaran di kelas dengan senyuman dan ceria.

  39. Here it is, glad to help.THE VILLAGE OF PALMETTOBAY, FLORIDAvs,PALMER TRINITY PRIVATESCHOOL, INC. ,IN THE DISTRTCT COURT OT APPEAL,OF FlORIDATHIRD DISTRICTSEPTEMBER 18, 2O12CASE NO.: 3D12-190Upon consideration, petitioners motion for rehearing oforder granting motion for attorney’s fees and cost are is hereby grantedand Respondent’s motion for attorney’s fees and costs is herebydenied.

  40. HeheSå søtt.Spørsmål: hvor har dere fått tak i den vesle tigeren.. boka? jeg er på konstant jakt etter mine egene barndoms "helter" og synes historiene om de to som skulle til panama og spise bananer var kjempespennende.Dere har i allefall en hyggelig blogg!

  41. there are two other factors, directly dependent on temperature: increased rate of diffusion of water molecules (out of leaf surfaces), and increased rate of evaporation. The latter would decrease the recharge of aquifers, and reduce the length of the rain-fed growing season in regions with a pronounced wet season – dry season climate, because less water would percolate into soils.So I expect there to be a super-linear effect on plant stress from the expected temperature and relative humidity changes.

  42. the murder was a head shot several times over (very unlikely for a mugging/gang violence)’Uh, if they’d find it edifying, I’d be happy to email them the photo I took with my phone of the crack dealer dead one block from one of my offices about a year ago in a rougher area Dallas, and in broad daylight, at that. Mebbe it was an accident that all those shots found their way into his person from the neck up, but somehow, I doubt.Phlemgy! You just thought that was a random crack dealer. It was another target of the all powerful .gov!

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  46. YUMMY!This post is just a reminder of something I truly miss about living in New England.LOBSTER! One of my favorites. Sounds like a good time was had by all.Chicky Baby looks sooo cute looking at that lobster. My kids probably would have cried at that age *LOL*

  47. What a fab interview, Jane and Sarah. I’m a big fan of Help, My House Is Falling Down!I like the advice that you’ll only ever regret things you don’t do. That’s so true, and very inspiring to hear from someone who has clearly lived from that place.Thank you!

  48. Far from devastating the economy many of our social and economic problems would be greatly reduced if we closed our border to illegal traffic:- school overcrowding- low test scores- gang violence- skyrocketing medical costs- jail overcrowding- affordable housing shortages- stolen vehicles- illegal drugsAnd how many weeks of demonstrations will it take before it’s clear to everyone that most of the demonstrators don’t have jobs?

  49. I too am conflicted about whether to attend the March for Equal Marriage or not. I have decided to attend. I’m coming from California where you would think that marriage equality would be a no-brainer. Instead, we have right-wing funded referenda that have eliminated the chance for me to marry. I will be at the march. My best friend from college/high school (who is straight) will be there. My two kids are sending me off with hugs and kisses. All of this is important. Maine’s battle, ours in California, and our national battle for marriage equality, health care/insurance reform, and rescinding “Don’t ask, don’t tell”.

  50. 28 AÄŸustos 2012  22:15 by Ä°brahim Merhabalar,Öncelikle Orçun beye herÅŸey için çok teÅŸekkürler.Kıl dönmesi gibi bir probleminiz varsa kesinlikle baÅŸka adres aramayın.Kıl dönmesinin klasik ameliyatlarını düşünürsek fenol tedavisi bulunmaz bir nimettir ve bunu baÅŸarılı bir ÅŸekilde uygulayan doktorumuza minnetarım.

  51. That's such a cool story Sharon! I love NY as well – I have very fond memories of my adventures there. Wouldn't it be nice if we had the "story" of everything we find in brocantes or antique stores? Who bought it first, why, was it a gift? It would be something to pass on.

  52. Hi Nina. Got back from Burma. I was in Rangoon as well as in Kachin state in the north. I loved Burma, most especially the people. They’re very sincere and when you talk to them parang walang barriers (unlike when you speak with most people of other nationalities) Thanks for recommending the guesthouse. The people at Ocean Pearl were very helpful. Medyo ma-hassle going to Burma (with the money and transpo and all), but I was expecting it, pero it’s all worth it, especially if you’ve made friends there. I’m definitely going back.

  53. Truly made me giggle! Once you are finished paying for the phone itself and you scratch it or ruin it and than pay for applications its true – your wallet is empty!

  54. I really wanted to develop a small remark to say thanks to refugiodailha.com.br for some of the amazing recommendations you are writing at this website. My considerable internet look up has at the end been recognized with brilliant suggestions to exchange with my guests. I would assert that we site visitors actually are quite lucky to exist in a wonderful community with so many outstanding people with very beneficial principles. I feel very much fortunate to have used your entire webpage and look forward to many more brilliant times reading here. Thanks once again for all the details.

  55. ruth February 13, 2012 its ok if he has a sex video what’s wrong with that after all he’s a man there’s nothing wrong about it… shame on that girl to reveal that video if they are together its the girl who has a problem not micky!

  56. ………………………………Sigh – no Anon – We all agree that firing rockets at people isn’t very nice, but you can’t pretend that there are some long standing issues in the region, so don’t play the victim here – and while we are quoting UN resolutions, 242 jumps to mind doesn’t it – but that hasn’t stopped Israel running the West bank as a prison has it?

  57. I also agree that it is far more likely that China sent Hui, who are essentially ethnic Han of the Muslim faith, despite being classified as their own ethnic group under current PRC law. There are roughly the same number of Hui as Uyghur in China (~10 million) but unlike the Uyghur, they aren’t particularly distrusted by the government as the Hui have been generally strong supporters of the Chinese state for quite a while, with there even being several notable Hui generals in Qing, ROC and PRC armies.

  58. Yo pienso q de nada sirve q leas el salmo 91 y luego vayas a una lectura de cartas pues yo tampoco comprendia xq despertaba a 3am asta q despues descubri que a mi ex esposo tambien le estaban asiendo brujeria lo gracioso esque los malos espiritus quieren asustar pero a la final salen ellos corriendo con el temor de Dios tan solo di te ordeno en el nombre de jesus q no me atormentes mas y eso se va todo se va.

  59. Ribico, He won’t win. He’s lucky he had that defense of special teams. He had been trash Adam. JH got him out of the dump. Ribico, let you fools tell it, Alex didn’t have a bad year under Singletary. If we are stuck with him, at least bring in someone to compete with him for the starting job. He will lose it like he always has! Lol.

  60. 19bJoÅ¡ sam malo istraživao i vidio da se za easybus polako termnini popunjavao tako da sam već rezervirao kartu… 10 funti je jedan smjer ali je barem povratna 2 funte tako da bi ograničio prvo svoje pitanje na rutu od Earls Court/West Brompton (gdje easybus stane) do hotel.1f

  61. 240Thank you for sharing such a personal story. I am certain you have helped countless others. The hormonal upheaval of pregnancy can surely be a shock. I’m glad to hear things have evened out for you. Remember to be patient and kind to yourself through the many changes that are to come. More ups and downs are likely, especially with the inevitable lack of sleep, but like everything else, that too shall pass. Keep your eyes open for the blessings all around you, even if you find yourself in tears. Every good wish to you!109

  62. The article makes no mention as to how much of these substances was found. We should all remember that “The dose makes the poison”. Trace amounts of many substances can be found almost anywhere. Anyhow the article is very interesting, for example taking into acount the gigantic amount of garments produced (and discarded) yearly in a world-scale.

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  64. Agreed Craig. Though you may not find a lot of pull backs into the TAZ give the current market conditions. Look for bullish reversal pattern like hammers, evening stars, piercing lines and bullish engulfing patterns.

  65. Weten jullie het adres al van het WKZ om ook daar post naar toe te sturen. Hou Vol,jullie doen het goed,maar denk er aan jullie zijn niet alleen ouder/verzorgende maar ook Paula en Pim.Voel je niet "schuldig" als je ook tijd samen door brengt,dat laad de accu alleen maar op.Liefs mama

  66. Tack för det tipset :)Jag är dock inte sÃ¥ överförtjust i fyllda paprikor(undrar varför jag gillar ju paprika annars,bÃ¥de varm och kall….hmmm)Men jag ska testa i alla falll.Och du ser verkligen jätte snygg ut i de nya jeansen;)Tack oxÃ¥ för länken till den där sidan med tacokryddan…kanonbra sida ju.Kram

  67. HAHAHAHAHA I think they have those at your local Zondervan Book Store. In the “Made in China” junk section. It probably cost $4.99. The same one can be found at your local grocery store’s $0.99 basket w/o the “Christian” label. If you want to stay a cool post-modern Christian you need to buy the $5 Christian toothbrush.

  68. Just practice on yourself. And when Jim and I aren’t at the cafe, we would love to eat ‘raw’ somewhere else. Hope to see you soon at the cafe. Many thanks for reading and comments. Chris.

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  70. I think you’re going to have to get used to… certain things about the Endless not being answered. Have you really looked much into the Endless mythos yet? It’s been a while since I read the books.Isn’t Unity great? You are right — for so long she’s been asleep, was RAPED for crying out loud — so this last moment of her life, something this important to her, that has to be her choice.I love that we can get… nearly omnipotently powerful Dream, with all the flair that he should have — and then a human snaps at him AND IS RIGHT.

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  72. I had that problem with my wrist and arm before and thought I may not be able to knit/crochet any more because of severe pain. but it got better and now I am very careful and wear wrist protector sometimes. It helps prevent getting another painful days.so, don't worry, you will get better and can crochet more again. While you are taking break from crochet, there are other things you might be able to do, like embroidery, sewing, etc…Enjoy your break and hoping it get better soon.

  73. I left South Africa, my hpome in 2009, because of crime and the lack of job oppertunities, I now work at an auxiliary nurse for the NHS, at least I can pay my rent and put food on the table and be free.

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