En dan is het weer donderdag. De wekelijkse afspraak met de hematoloog. Afgelopen maandag heb ik al telefonisch besproken dat we een plan moeten maken hoe we omgaan met mijn lage Hb. Om kwart voor 10, weer prima op tijd, worden we naar binnen geroepen. Tja, het gaat nog een klein beetje slechter dan vorige week. Hij geeft aan dat er voor vanmiddag een bed is gereserveerd op de dagbehandeling voor een bloedtransfusie. Ben er blij mee want het Hb. gaat zo hard naar beneden en ik voel me daardoor alleen maar beroerder worden. (Lig 3-4 van de dag op de bank of op bed). Volgende week hebben we een volgende afspraak en dan zullen we zien wat de 2 zakken bloed voor effect hebben op mijn Hb. Voor iedere afspraak die we in het ziekenhuis hebben, schrijven we de vragen die we hebben op een papier zodat we niets kunnen vergeten. Enthousiast geworden door de mededeling van de bloedtransfusie vergeten we de uitslag te vragen van de beenmergpunctie. Gelukkig zitten we volgende week donderdag weer hier en kunnen we het alsnog vragen.
De eerste zak bloed is gearriveerd en wordt aangesloten. Ik lig op een bed op de dagbehandeling te lezen en zie de druppels bloed door het slangetje naar binnenlopen. Na ca 15 minuten kijk ik naar mijn arm en zie dat deze dik is geworden op de plaats waar het slangetje vast zit. De verpleegkundige kijkt en constateert dat het bloed niet in de ader maar ernaast is gelopen. Dat wordt in ieder geval een grote blauwe plek. Nu maar even prikken in de andere arm. Het inlopen duurt 1-1,5 uur per zakje. Beetje lezen en kletsen en dan zit de eerste 300cc erin. Weer 1,5 uur later is alles achter de rug en ben ik 600cc bloed rijker. Gekregen van een lieve anonieme donor die het er voor over heeft om zijn/haar bloed te doneren. De bloeduitslagen van het afgenomen bloed van vanmorgen zijn binnen. Hb. is gezakt tot 4.8 Zo laag is deze nog nooit geweest! De ervaring is dat per zak het bloed zal stijgen met ca 0,5. Mede doordat niet alles in mijn aderen terecht is gekomen zal mijn Hb. nu dus gestegen zijn naar ca 5.6 of 5.7 Absoluut geen spectaculaire waarde, maar ik hoop me er wel iets beter door te voelen.
Hallo,schön, dass euch das Heft gefällt und vielen Dank für eure Zusage für Sarah zu beten!Ich hänge das Taufheft als Word-Dokument noch mit an — ich hatte PDF gewählt, weil sich bei verschiedenen Versionen der Tetiverarbextung ja durchaus ärgerliche Verschiebungen und Umbrüche ergeben können.Noch einen schönen Sonntag!Viele Grüße,Nadja
Your’s is a point of view where real intelligence shines through.
Stai ca ii scoate Crin la lumina, daca tot se stie, macar sa fie pe fata. Chemarea lui la proteste (pasnice) pentru azi si zilele urmatoare, plus cererea de sesiune parlamentara exceptionala, seamana cu “chemarea strabunilor”. S-o intoarce cu ceva pui de lup de prin salbaticie? Sau mai bine zis: daca tot o facem si ne-au vazut cu totii, sa luam perdeaua de la geam…
10 yıldır sıklıkla günün her saatinde esnerim bazen bu hareketlilik 10 ila15 dakika kadar süre biliyor nedendir.şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim ltf cevap yazar yardımcı olabilirmisiniz.
do you think this technique would work for smaller things? i’d like to make my own removable decal for my nintendo ds. and maybe for my laptop. would this technique? work for those? thanks 🙂
áõóþôýѠýð úурÑÂðх ÿþòышõýøѠúòðûøфøúðцøø ÿрõÿþô ÿþ ÑÂûõúтрþтõхýøúõ — ÿрþфõÑÂÑÂþр уýøòõрð ÿþòõôðû, чтþ ûðüÿþчúø ÑÂтø ÑÂúþýþüøчýыõ úрþüõ òÑÂõóþ ÿрþчõóþ ø÷ûучðют рõýтóõý-ûучø (фûюрþóрðфøю ÿþüýøтõ? ýõ çÃÂéÕ 1àÃÂ×àÃÂ’ ÓÞÔ!!!) тðú òþт ÑÂуüüðрýþõ òþ÷ôõùÑÂтòøõ рõýтóõý-ûучõù ÷ð óþô ÑÂòýþ ÿрõòыÑÂøт ýõÑÂúþûьúþ ÿþхþôþò ýð фûюрþóрðфøю. ÞñûучðõüÑÂÑÂ, óþÑÂÿþôð, ýõ òыхþôѠø÷ ôþüð! áуÿõр!!!
JohnI think it’s very good that you are writing at the basic level that many people experience. Too bad that some of your readers have to be so sarcastic. We can all learn from your travails, thanks to the very helpful comments that more enlightened readers are offering.Keep at it!John
It’s always a pleasure to hear from someone with expertise.
Please keep throwing these posts up they help tons.
What is subsequent? I’ve been in advertising and marketing for a lot of years, and just when assume I’ve observed it all, I get shocked all over once more. Each and every new trick I see causes me to laugh in the starting. But then outcomes come in the picture. You get to feel it. I’m talking about Pixel Ads.
I would let my daughter pick. She doesn’t have an American Girl doll yet, and has wanted one for a long time. It would be such a wonderful Christmas gift for her!
Of the panoply of website I’ve pored over this has the most veracity.
Hallo Willi!Zu den Fragen meiner Vorposter würde mich interessieren, welche Sensoren beim Schwimmen verwendet werden können? Ist der GPS-Sensor Wasserdicht? Stimmt es, dass die Herzfrequenzmessung unter Wasser nicht funktioniert?Danke für die Infos!LGHannes
REPLY TO LIONEL RITCHIEI’m sure the whole world awaits your incredibly exciting announcement and that there will be sleepless nights for many as they mull over your sensational exclusive. I can hardly wait.Ten years may turn out to be one of the most poignant phrases you will ever utter, but not for the reasons you think.
A provocative insight! Just what we need!
Everyone loves what you guys tend to be up too.This type of clever work and coverage! Keep up the wonderful works guys I’ve included you guys to my personal blogroll.
Luca, ecomomic meltdown, the end of television as we know it with Sky+ and on demand services, and the enormous growth of Social Media and you’re waiting for some kind of starting pistol? This is it mate, it’s already happening.
Concordo con tonicopi, va fatta una versione inglese dell’appello, non tanto per le solite polemiche sulla sanità italiana, quanto per moltiplicare i suggerimenti professionali di altri medici. Vi faccio tanti auguri.
Escribe tu comentario Puedes usar las siguientes etiquetas HTML: <a> <abbr> <acronym> <b> <blockquote> <cite> <code> <del> <em> <i> <q> <strike> <strong> Recibir un email con los siguientes comentarios a esta entrada. Recibir un email con cada nuevo post.
As I commented on the YouTube video, I believe the syntax used in the breadcrumbs tutorial (both on YouTube and on the relevant schema.org page) is incorrect.The itemprop URL and name for *each* breadcrumb should be declared, rather than the whole series of links and anchors. This is the syntax used by Google's (which uses the data-vocabulary.org vocabulary).The two sets of instructions are not compatible.See also on this topic.
Whilst I can see this current Government closing down Kiwi FM by cutting their funding. Somehow I can't see them redirecting those funds to a RNZ2 as per your suggestion. Kiwi FM is far from perfect but I still believe we are better with it(even in it's new form of 60% NZ content) than without.
Francesa is a pompous jerk who purports to know everything when it comes to sports. His opinion is always right, so don’t disagree with him! Even when he gets something wrong (as he OFTEN does), he’ll spin his way out of his mistake.
No one else brought this up so I will. George Stephanopolis went to ABC after serving in the White House. Tony Snow went to the White House after serving at Fox. Sort of interesting since they had the same job. And Christopher, please don’t use the word ass if you’re going to respond to a post I made, Thanks.
There was some talk a few decades ago that the planet could be heading for a cooling period, a mini ice age. Of course, that has been largely ignored by those who have a vested interest in promoting Carbon Dioxide as a pollutant with a view to taxing us out of existence. Obviously, the Bilderbergs believe a cooling planet would somehow jeopardize whatever it is they are cooking up for the rest of us.Interesting!
That hits the target dead center! Great answer!
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I missed your blog posts so much!! I'm dying to try the Midnight Recovery, but it won't be sold in Spain until September. Could you please list the ingredients? I don't seem to find them anywhere!!
You make things so clear. Thanks for taking the time!
Your post captures the issue perfectly!
Luiz Eduardo disse:Parabéns pelas belas fotos, Chico AM(ike)X…A primeira então ficou IncrÃvel!!!Poxa, só fui na BAC poucas vezes em “portões abertos”, mas nunca assim num dia comum – até pq já me contentava em ver os bicudões zunindo pela minha cabeça nos tempos de Ulbra Mas não sabia que dava pra visitar assim num dia comum… pode ou vc tem “contatos” lá?! hehe…Abraço e mais uma vez parabéns…
the Supreme Court ruling that Weldon was wrong, it somehow upholds a law that doesn't even factor into the lower court's ruling?Methinks you missed a train of thought somewhere.
Great write up Matt, and a great ride! I've read about D2R2 for a couple of years now. It's good to see an Ottawa presence. I hope to do it one of these years…Steve H
It’s about time someone wrote about this.
Quality looks great at 100mb..the harsh flash conversion does not. Does uploading larger files help the flash conversion somehow? Why not just set the conversion to a higher setting in flash?
I m dewin this contest…but i got muh ears peirced da second time at tha bottom and there my birthstoe(december) but im wearrin matchin earrings for the shoes… will they count there very small
This post has helped me think things through
I’d think this is some form of evolution trait to determine what type of person someone is. Whether they are out to get remorse, if they are different, an enemy. Many would would need this knowledge how to react to them.
Finding this post. It’s just a big piece of luck for me.
Non pentoute loll Je suis tellement le genre de fille qui fait l’écureil ni qui se désintéresse si on s’intéresse à elle que je comprend absolument pas comment des filles peuvent agir comme ca et trouver un sens logique à leur facon d’agir. Feck en gros… écoute pas rien de ske je dit. Ca fonctionnera pas avec les filles parce que je les comprend et les connais encore moi que toi :S
[…] Bedingungen, die vom Staat doch bitte ganz schnell wieder hergestellt werden sollen. Fesselung der Produktivkräfte, ick hör dir trapsen. Dieser Eintrag wurde veröffentlicht in Journalismus, Netz und getagged […]
China should build more influence in Afghanistan. China should give military aid to Afghan army. Our rivals India only can offer worn out equipment. We need to seduce Afghan government. In our interest to have a neutral government in Kabul. A pro Indian nation that would be willing to host Indian troops would be bad.
I thank you humbly for sharing your wisdom JJWY
Very valid, pithy, succinct, and on point. WD.
I was suggested this site by our cousin. I’m not sure whether this specific post is compiled by him since nobody in addition know these kinds of detailed about my trouble. You are wonderful! Thanks!
Wow that was odd. I just wrote an really long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Regardless, just wanted to say excellent blog!
Good job making it appear easy.
Pleasing you should think of something like that
Your posting lays bare the truth
What a pleasure to meet someone who thinks so clearly
We can clearly see that Mexican racial supremacists, black elites, elements of the WASP political class, Jews and the left wing punditocracy are frothing at the mouth over the AZ bill. Actually, most mestizos have unmasked themselves as the anti-white, anti-American bigots that we've always known them to be. At least we can better see who are enemies are.
I’m impressed, I need to say. Really not often do I encounter a weblog that’s both educative and entertaining, and let me tell you, you’ve gotten hit the nail on the head. Your concept is outstanding; the issue is something that not sufficient individuals are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy that I stumbled across this in my search for one thing relating to this.
Goed idee. Ik zit ook met een flink courgette overschot, de teller staat inmiddels op ruim 40…Ben nu vooral aan het inmaken en soep ervan maken, dat schiet tenminste een beetje op .Van Maartje op 31.08.12 2:23 pm
SENAM / Ah! É fácil, é só você se imaginar em 1500, num tinha nada disso mesmo. Mas você também pode imaginar como seria o mundo hoje, sem eletricidade nenhuma. Reflita… isso pode até acontecer.Gostei deste comentário ou não: 3
I recently purchased section E rows 12 & 13 seats seats 43 & 45 for Jason Mraz on October 5th…my seat say obstructed view, I was wondering if you could get pics fr my seats to see what the view is?!?! Thanks,Tara
Makanya, agama itu ‘kan yang penting nurut. Mau bengis, intoleran, memecah belah, arogan, barbar, asal nurut, masuk surga. Ndak ada gunanya berbudi pekerti, agama *katanya* ndak peduli yang semacam itu. Agama itu soale *katanya* seni manggut-manggut, bukan berpikir…Makanya, yang tahlilan itu nanti bakal masuk neraka. Dibakar selama-lamanya. Ndak peduli apa dia berdoanya ikhlas, sampai menangis, atau apa.
Information is power and now I’m a !@#$ing dictator.
Well done article that. I’ll make sure to use it wisely.
I love reading these articles because they’re short but informative.
Hej AliceTak – og velkommen her :o)Hvis jeg skal sige det selv, sÃ¥ er jeg helt enig. Det fungerer sÃ¥ godt, at jeg løbende hækler afløsere. For de bliver slidt op efter nogle mÃ¥neder.Kh Rikke
As a matter of fact, Yemen has proven itself to be more stable in the recent months than any other country that has gone through such transitions. Being that it’s a country ranked with nearly a ratio of 3 firearms to 1 person, you can see just how stable and moderate they have been where none of the protestors over there even used such ones. A miracle? Nah, I call it Yemenite wisdom. See, they’re not cynical monkeys as portrayed by Hollywood. Only in Africa.
Un buen artÃculo, hay que mirar a la historia para poder entender el presente y ser capaz de ver el futuro posible.La llegada del nazismo se debió además de por la pésima situación económica al apoyo dado por las élites económicas, y también de las Iglesias, al partido de Hitler. Su objetivo combatir y destruir el socialismo y el comunismo, a los que veÃan como enemigos a sus privilegios.
I agree with most of your points, but a few need to be discussed further, I will hold a small talk with my partners and maybe I will look for you some suggestion soon.
If you’re reading this, you’re all set, pardner!
In the complicated world we live in, it’s good to find simple solutions.
If all christians would cry out for this butchering of innocent children to stop we could make a difference. But that wouldnt be politically correct. So we listen with horror as we hear the numbers and we sit on our hands and do nothing. With our silence and sometimes with our votes we become allies of satan. If all proffessing Christians would run and vote for a Godly candidate we could bring about change. But we continue to ignore what Christ instructs us to do. Our world is more important to us than our savior. May God have mercy on us and send a revival to his church.
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Drivers may be required to pay for one or more years if six or more points continue to stay on the driver record and it is best to go to a lawyer to know what is best done.
The voice of rationality! Good to hear from you.
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Just cause it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not super helpful.
Heck yeah bay-bee keep them coming!
Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I appreciate it.
Thanks for making the effort to have a discussion about this issue.I feel passionately about it and I like learning about this subject.If possible, as you gain knowledge, please revise this blog with brand new information.I have found it extremely informative.
I love this prompt, Victoria. Wrote a little something for you, and tried to puta picture of the old dog in the post, but for some reason couldn’t get it to load. Maybe I can add it in a few minutes. Glad to join in again!
Elotuuli on vissiin vaan internetkauppa nykyään…Se on yks legendaarisimmista ekokaupoista Helsingissä -mun mielestä- ja se on toiminut monta vuotta. Vanhana Steiner-koulunkävijänä (Elotuuli oli siinä ihan vieressä) käytiin välkällä aina nappaamassa jotain herkkua sieltä ja koulun kaikki hippivanhemmat teki ostoksensa siellä 😉 Nostalgiaa mulle 80- ja 90-luvuilta….
le puedo mandar una carta documento para dar de baja el servicio de radio que no anda hace dos semanas y es aparentemente error del sistema de claro en internet por favor si alguien me puede ayudar estoy pagando 180 pesos al gas y no puedo usar la radio para trabajar gracias
Je me souviens de la place de mon grand-père dans les montagnes. C’était la même chose que les photos ci-dessus. Et les champs de riz ont été l’un des endroits frais, je veux rester. Pour être dans la montagne est rafraîchissant.
Tack Lotta. Försökte tänka på ditt pris, men kom tyvärr i stunden fram till att du förhastat dej. Så jag misstror inte bara mej själv utan också omgivningen. Pepp kan vara bra, fast inte ikväll tyvärr.
×Âני וחברות שלי רק סיפרתי להן שנפתחה המכירה……….כ-ו-ל-ן-!-!-! רצו…..להזמין כרטיסי×Â!!!טוב לנפלׅ.זה מחזמר ענהמפיק דוד פדידה המפיק מספר 1 ב×Âרץ וענהשחקנינ×Âומנינוכו….. ×Âוהד,×Âיציק,ישי,יונתן,קינדרעך,סינגרס,דני×Âל, ההכככייייי!!!!!מספר 1 ב-×¢-ו-ל-×Â!!!!!!!!!!ב-ה-צ-ל-ח-ה ר-ב-ה-!!! ×Âתניודעינש×Âין עליכנ×Âז…..מחכי×Â×Â×Â×Â×Â×Âנל:שירינונפל×Âות שיגיע כבר חנוכה!!!!!!!
Läpiä päähänsä puhuva moukka ei koskaan yllä satiirin tasolle. Ja yleensäkin huumorijutut vaativat kirjoittajalta tai puhujalta itseltään edes lievää huumorintajua. Muuten ne vitsiksi tarkoitetut osat eivät oikein naurata, päinvastoin: tulee itku silmään. Häpeästä.
This is a most useful contribution to the debate
I visited a lot of website but I think this one contains something special in it. “A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” by Dorothy C. Fisher.
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Home run! Great slugging with that answer!
Life is short, and this article saved valuable time on this Earth.
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Essays like this are so important to broadening people’s horizons.
Moin Manu!Ich habe bislang nur etwas v The King’s Speech und dem FB Film gehört. Die anderen sagen mir inkl. Schauspieler gar nix (außer Natalie Portman, die fand ich in Leon so irrsinnig klasse) Und v The King’s Speech las ich nur weil er mit C. Firth ist, den ich auch gerne mag.Kennst Du A Single Man?Liebe Grüße, martie
Its like a “southside fade” but the power went out and it couldn’y be finished. I’m from Houston, the mid-90′s saw a lot of that type fade, hope this isn’t the new thing.
vevt güzel ama ben 2 yıldır bılgısayar bölumu örencısıyım bunların ötesınde bilgilere sahıbım ve daha bılgıye susuyorum daha derın daha derın bilgiler istıorus sızden yınede tesekkurler
Articles like this make life so much simpler.
We just joined a CSA a few weeks ago and absolutely love it! We don’t get home delivery, but they have so many pick up spots its easy to find one nearby. I’m hoping that we might get to go on a farm tour when we return from Spain!
That’s not just the best answer. It’s the bestest answer!
team members should have been allowed to form their own teams. in case the other member goes inactive and does not log in it would be a disaster.
ÃÂýþýøüýыù ûюñøтõûь ÿрðýúð / ÃÂõт у ýõóþ ýøхуÑÂ. âþûьúþ òþт ñþюÑÂь ôøÿûþü ÃœÓã тþóþ ÿõтушúð тþöõ ýøчõóþ ýõ ÷ýðчøт
D’accord avec vous sur le côté « donneurs de leçons » de l’opinion publique française mais là n’est pas le débat.Reconnaissez que cette attribution ressemble plus à une blague qu’autre chose.Que les Chinois souhaitent se démarquer de certaines valeurs occidentales, grand bien leur fasse.Mais je ne pense pas qu’ils atteindront cet objectif avec cette mascarade de prix qui ne fait que prendre le contre-pied systématique de ce qu’il entend dénoncer.
Wonderful explanation of facts available here.
Good points all around. Truly appreciated.
The problem is the dependency on oil. As long as we need oil from those Islamic countries, there is no point in fighting Islam, because there will be an oil crisis on the horizon as soon as it starts.Maybe war on Islam could help us get less dependent on oil in a hard way. But do we want that?
Great thinking! That really breaks the mold!
I JUST finished making mine and it was SO fun!! Thank you SO much for this gift idea Crystal! I'm giving them out to my sons teachers and principal at school as well as some of my friends, LOVE!
Linda Neill – Happy Birthday Ruthless leather, wishing you continued success and many many more! Now I have to make the decision I have been struggling over for the last 6 months… which one to order for Digger dog?
Goedemorgen meneer Raaphorst,Ik heb een vraag, wanneer gaat u weer een Reason 4 workshop doen. Met Reason ben ik pas mee begonnen,ontzettend leuk om audio sound te creerenmet vr groetJacob Huwae
Bloggers’ VoxBox! I was able to review products from Goody,  NYC New York Color, Vitabath, Kiss Products, Bath & Body Works,Eboost, Not Your Mothers & Boots No 7.  Today I’m going to talk
Tuplis:"Näin kristittynä vastaan, että samat kuin muillakin."Euroopan valtiot ovat olleet lähes koko historiansa ajan kristillisiä. Homot ovat kuitenkin saaneet kansalais oikeudet vasta 1900-luvun jälkipuoliskolla.Vielä 1950-luvulla Englannissa Alan Turing kemiallisesti kastoroitiin (tämä ajoi hänet itsemurhaan) homoseksuaalisuuden takia.
Wow I must confess you make some very trenchant points.
Nota para el editor:Yo empezarÃa a plantearme convertir “Los almuerzos de El Mundo Today” en una sección verdaderamente independiente, como mÃnimo con pestaña propia en la barra superior. Es realmente de lo mejorcito de este paÃs en reportajes de sociedad… ¡Ni Callejeros ni leches!
Please Fjordman, stop making sense! Why do you curse us with truth! Seriously though, excellent essay. You have the unique ability to slice through the BS like a laser beam. Anyone with a sliver of reason left in their brain should be able to see the logic in your argument.
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Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on through.
Thanks for spending time on the computer (writing) so others don’t have to.
There’s a secret about your post. ICTYBTIHTKY
Touchdown! That’s a really cool way of putting it!
The ESV was released several years before the full TNIV was published in 2005 and the HCSB about a year prior. If the chart was produced after the full TNIV was published (that would be my guess) I wonder if there was not some other reason those two translations weren’t included in the chart?
Normally I’m against killing but this article slaughtered my ignorance.
Ofcourse I read it all, why wouldn´t I?! I really see you as one of the most inspirational person I follow online, both by blog and youtube. I mean, your videos are great, humoristic and teaching. I think your doing the right thing by following your heart, just keep it up the way you do it and you will see that it´s going to be the best choice you made. I wish you the best of luck and that it won´t take too long until next bloggconfession or youtube video comes out
Very pretty. Since I was little I had a fascination with trees. I loved drawing them. Even to this day if I see an old tree I try to imagine the how different things must be from when it was planted. Bit of a hippy I guess.
As the only LDS in my family, I’ve always felt a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of doing my family history. My dad just passed away a few months ago and now family history is really on my mind. Family is so important and it’s the memories and stories that help us share our love and bind us together. It’s our covenants and ordinances that keep us together forever.
Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a handful of unrelated data, nonetheless seriously worth taking a look, whoa did a single learn about Mid East has got far more problerms too
I think other site proprietors must take this site as a great model, very clean and fantastic user-friendly style and design, as well because content. You’re a specialist in this specific topic!
Such a deep answer! GD&RVVF
Claudio scrive:Ieri ero a Treviso. Confermo la totale disorganizzazione dei locali. Epilogo della telenovela? Settore ospiti: 24 anime.Tribuna laterale a diretto contatto con i locali: circa 300 tifosi….fortunati a fare il biglietto.Complimenti ancora ai civilizzati treviggiani!!!
Oh Man! I remember when Bo Diddley was on the Sullivan show. My brother and I were all excited and my parents just SAT THERE with frowns on their faces. For days afterwards we tried to play his guitar riffs on my Dad’s ukelele, until one day he shouted at us, “Stop playig that n***** music!!”
many different versions of the birth certificate are there?"We'll know when the Obama campaign comes out with the limited edition commemorative plate series to peddle alongside the coffee mugs and tee shirts.
Wow! Great to find a post knocking my socks off!
Nathalie dit :Rien que de savoir que j ai accueilli chez moi un si Grand et si Sympathique Hawai Ironman me rend très fière !!!! Merci au TCQ de m avoir permis de rencontrer de si grandes stars ….
Chamma Chamma -IMO Ahemed Khan/Saroj did a brilliant job with Urmila in all songs in Rangeela.Talking abt Urmila I always wished she wud have done the Dhoom Macha Le song(Dhoom-1 hindi version of song) – the song had so much zing and energy which did not translate well on screen.
parabéns pelo post Diego.Não fico nas charadas, mas vi os caras mais inteligentes se quebrando, então creio que não estava fácil.a gincana foi muito boa, as esportivas bem elaboradas e naquela cidade linda… tornou o ultimo final de semana inesquecÃvel.ja estou ansiosa pela próxima.Parabéns Formiga!
É extraordinário o que acontece em Portugal: as escolas tornaram-se locais em que se realizam experiências educativas. Ninguém é politicamente responsável pelas consequências. Servem-se os interesses dos polÃticos e não há qualquer preocupação com a qualidade das aprendizagens e do ensino. Vive-se para as estatÃsticas e os professores e os alunos nas escolas são meros instrumentos, perante a passividade da maioria.
Hello there. I noticed your site title, “El barco en la noche | Hojas en el Viento” doesn’t really reflect the content of your web site. When writing your website title, do you believe it’s most beneficial to write it for Search engine marketing or for your audience? This is something I’ve been battling with simply because I want good search rankings but at the same time I want the best quality for my visitors.
You have more useful info than the British had colonies pre-WWII.
My liturgy professor was Dr. Marjorie Proctor-Smith. She taught me that if liturgy needs to be explained, then it isn’t good liturgy. So it would seem to me that if we don’t fully understand the church’s traditions or why things are done a certain way, then perhaps we ought not be doing them at all, it’s not good liturgy.A second thing that she taught me was that during the liturgical renewal among many main stream churches following Vatican II, most of the “stuff” that had been valued most in liturgy was discovered to be gingerbread that had been clumped onto the ancient liturgies in succeeding centuries.
Du schreibst: “Grundsätzlich gilt: die kleinste Blende, die das Objektiv hergibt”. Man sollte allerdings die größte Blende nehmen oder habe ich da jetzt was falsch verstaden?
the warrior bard,”Tho’ all the world betrays thee,One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard,One faithful harp shall praise thee!” Can this really be settled without armed conflict? I hope it can but I am starting to think maybe it cannot.Having said that let’s not lose sight of the fact that in this country the highest loyalty belongs to the Constitution. I mean the written one not the living, make it up as you go along one.
ãòðöðõüðѠÃÂûøýð!Ñþûø ò ÿрðòþü ÿþôрõñõрьõ ÿþÑÂûõ þÿõрðцøø ýõ ôþûöýы ñыть! Ã’þ÷üþöýþ ÑÂтø ñþûø ÑÂòÑÂ÷ðýы Ѡþÿõрðцøõù, òþ÷üþöýþ ѠòþÑÂÿðûõýøõü ò ÿþôöõûуôþчýþù öõûõ÷õ, öõûчýых ÿрþтþúðх. àõúþüõýôую Ã’ðü þñрðтøтьÑÂѠú хøрурóу úþтþрыù Ã’ðѠþÿõрøрþòðû, чтþñы òыÑÂÑÂýøть ÿрøчøýу ÑÂтøх ñþûõù.…øûø Ã’Ñ‹ üþöõтõ þñрðтøтьÑÂѠúþ üýõ.Òыñþр ÷ð Ã’ðüø! ãôðчø!
You’re a real deep thinker. Thanks for sharing.
I have a problem with snails in and around my yard/garden. In certain areas around some host bushes there is an accumulation of snail ‘poop.’ My question: may this stuff have some of the positive qualities of worm castings? Please advise. Thanks! Frank
Thanks for that excellent comment, Fred. I think you’re right about catering to individual differences – not every approach works for each child. It’s important to trust your instincts, read widely, and certainly not to give in to the path of least resistance. I know you and I prefer books over screens any old day!Recent blog post:
That’s a posting full of insight!
Salut la fine équipe,Hehe, vous êtes trop bons, il fait trop délirer l’article, je m’attendais à une autre fin genre high kick dans sa face mais bon, l’avoir fini comme ça est encore meilleur !!!Je vous fais des bisoux à tout les deux
25 julio, 2007Anónimo[quote:7323012c24=”?”][quote:7323012c24=”ZaFiRa”]En la herramienta de los puertos, me aparece en el 1033, el netspy troyano en tcp.Es un troyano?Porque en la entrada del inicio (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\ CurrentVersion\\\\Run ) no hay nada que apunte a él..[/quote:7323012c24][/quote:7323012c24] No es un troyano a mi tambien me sucedio si miras ese puerto no esta abierto y se refiere ha otro programa pero no es troyano.
Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.
Hey, that’s powerful. Thanks for the news.
The guy is a constant, MAJOR force for multiple Premier League titlesHe comes up big in the biggest times he is needed….and he doesn’t make the Top 5?Point being, facts show he is arguably the BEST so if someone doesn’t have him in the Top 5, they either don’t watch him or have a bias against him. No other real option
It is not enough just to come up with an important idea these days. You need to do serious work in to exciting the idea accordingly as well as making sure all of the plan makes sense.
So true. Honesty and everything recognized.
This does look promising. I’ll keep coming back for more.
…”I have two words for you…nuclear fucking weapons.” And i have to agree. Just blow up the whole fucking lot of batshit religious craZies and get on with life.qcqzzzxs 1:1
Hablas de que nadie hace nada pero, ¿qué más podemos hacer que no sea salir a la calle con una pancarta?¿Qué otras alternativas tenemos? A mà se me ocurren algunas, pero tengo demasiado que perder si las hago.
You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this matter to be actually something that I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and extremely broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!
Your article perfectly shows what I needed to know, thanks!
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Smart thinking – a clever way of looking at it.
Yoast is a perfect example of a need to rethink all those options. I feel like pointers are a developer solution to a design problem. As a designer I can write php and most devs will laugh at it, its not pretty but it gets the job done. The same is true when the rolls are reversed.
Hoy "casi" nos hemos puesto de acuerdo en la entrada…En Toscana son super tÃpicas, sÃ, pero en Nápoles también se toma mucho, a mà me gustan más las napolitanas… ;-)Te quedaron auténticas
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