Terug geweest bij “mijn eigen” hematoloog. Weer vooraf bloed geprikt en de waarden blijven inderdaad nog steeds behoorlijk stabiel. (Hb is weer iets gezakt (6.3),de witte bloedlichaampjes zijn iets gestegen (2.7) en de plaatjes (128) iets gezakt). Zo raar. Dit hoort helemaal niet bij myelofibrose en de artsen denken echt dat het komt door de bacterie aanval van februari!
De argumentatie hiervoor staat uitgebreid beschreven in het vorige bericht (van 1 september). Ben er echt wel blij mee, maar de consequenties van dit besluit zijn ook zo groot.
Het begint al direct tijdens het gesprek in de spreekkamer met het “vrijgeven” van de donor. Meer dan een half jaar heb ik daar “een optie” op gehad. Daarna wordt er, weer direct tijdens het spreekuur, een brief geformuleerd voor mijn huisarts en mijzelf, waarin de hele medische situatie inclusief laatste bloedwaarden, wordt beschreven. Deze brief is straks ook nodig voor de bedrijfsarts en het UWV. In deze brief staat het klip en klaar “mijnheer wordt niet beter, en in de toekomst moet ook nog rekening worden gehouden met een stamceltransplantatie”. We wisten het wel, maar het is wel hard.
Heb me nooit druk gemaakt over de toekomst, maar nu zou ik toch graag even een periode vooruit kijken. Blijven mijn bloedwaarden zo? Worden ze slechter? Zoja hoe snel? Stamcel? Zoja wanneer? Moet ik, nu nog een aantal zaken van mijn “things to do in life lijstje” gaan realiseren voor het te laat is? En wat ga ik met mijn tijd doen als ik niet kan werken? Moet in ieder geval een uitdaging zoeken waarvoor ik de goede dagen kan gebruiken. De slechte kom ik nu al niet meer van de bank….
Hoe blijf ik in conditie? De conditie die ik de afgelopen tijd heb opgebouwd moet ik wel zien te houden, mocht er een stamceltransplantatie aankomen.
Waarschijnlijk is het menigeen overkomen. Vorige week mijn pincode 3 maal fout ingetoetst. Normaal denk je dat is dan jammer, nu vraag ik me af of het door concentratieverlies komt. Zo heb ik nog wel een paar voorbeelden….
Vorige week een etentje gehad met mijn collega’s van andere regio’s en landelijk coördinatoren. Een aantal zijn hier thuis al op visite geweest, maar de meesten had ik al een jaar niet meer gezien. Was erg gezellig, maar o, wat zou ik graag weer in de zorg en ICT aan de gang gaan. Ik wil wel, maar het kan/gaat gewoon niet.
Vandaag de brief van de bedrijfsarts gekregen. Alle papieren heb ik net bij elkaar gezocht en morgen dan maar een aanvraag naar het UWV uit doen. Ik word niet meer beter! Wat is dat erg, maar het is niet anders. Ik ben er nog en dat hadden we in februari zeker niet verwacht. Dat relativeert natuurlijk wel lekker gemakkelijk.
Vele artsen en onderzoekers in binnen-/ en buitenland zoeken naar een oplossing voor deze rotziekte (zusje van leukemie/bloedkanker). Nu mijn bloedwaarden stabiel blijven loop ik wel steeds rond met in gedachten dat er iets bijzonders met me is gebeurd, en dat er misschien een (deel)oplossing is te halen uit mijn casus. Heb vorige week via de MPN vereniging in de VS contact gezocht met een arts/onderzoeker daar om de gebeurtenissen onder de aandacht te brengen. Heb mijn eigen hematoloog aangeboden om “mijn lichaam ter beschikking te stellen aan de wetenschap”.
Maar wel bij leven natuurlijk! Onderzoek me maar, mogelijk vinden we een (deel) oplossing.
Dit weekeinde even alles vergeten door lekker te zeilen met mijn dochter, vrienden en mijn tennisteam. Mogelijk het laatste weekeinde dat dit kon, de herfst is begonnen.
Electronisch Patiënten Dossier (EPD)
Nog even een klein stukje over het raakvlak met mijn (vroegere) werk.
Het ziekenhuis gebruikt het EPD volgens mij best goed. De artsen, maar ook verpleegkundigen, noteren voor zover ik het kan zien, alles direct in het systeem. Dat bleek in ieder geval wel toen de plastisch chirurg ook op de hoogte was van een telefonisch overleg tussen mij en een wondverpleegkundige. Was keurig verslag van gedaan. Ook de ordercommunicatie tussen hematologie en lab, maar ook poli en radiologie gaat volledig digitaal. Leuk om te zien dat een product (Chipsoft-EZis) dat onder mijn verantwoording als ICT-manager in een ziekenhuis precies 11 jaar geleden als eerste is geïmplementeerd, zo is uitgegroeid. Ongetwijfeld zijn er nog vele wensen, maar intern is bij dit ziekenhuis toch een slag geslagen. Nu de regionale en landelijke communicatie nog! Tja, ik heb mijn bijdrage geleverd om kwaliteit en efficiency in de zorg te verbeteren door de inzet van ICT.
Zoals het er nu naar uit ziet zal ik voortaan een patiënt in de systemen zijn in plaats van een verbeteraar van de zorgprocessen.
Jammer, maar that’s life. Niemand iets te verwijten, het loopt zoals het loopt.
Naar verwachting blijft de situatie de komende maanden stabiel. Ik zal dan ook niet zo vaak meer op het blog schrijven als voorheen. Natuurlijk blijft het on-line en zullen we wat van ons laten horen als er wat te melden is.
Iedereen (natuurlijk te beginnen met mijn gezin) heel hartelijk dank voor alle steun! Het is fijn om te weten dat er zoveel mensen met ons meeleven.
Tjee… heen en weer slingerend tussen een 'gelukkig hoef je nog niet aan zo'n ingrijpende behandeling te beginnen" en het "shit chronisch ziek, wat nu verder?!" en de "dit is eigenlijk niks voor Dolf, niks doen" lees ik je update.
Gemengde gevoelens, net als jullie ongetwijfeld. Wel mooi om te lezen hoe trots je ook nog bent op je werk, dat EPD bv… en het meewerken aan een (deel)succes(je) van jouw ziekteverloop. Weet je Dolf, ik voel me bevoorrecht; Bevoorrecht dat ik je ken en van enige nabijheid merk hoe sterk, dapper en nuchter je kunt zijn over je toch uitzichtloze situatie van nu en wie weet hoe lang… Ik hoop vanuit de punten van mijn tenen dat er "iets" komt waardoor die 70% kans nog veel groter wordt en dat er een moment komt dat de artsen zeggen dat ze je kunnen genezen middels de stamceltherapie of wat dan ook. Misschien niet heel reeel op dit moment, maar ik wens het jullie van ganzer harte!!
Ik blijf je blog volgen en hoop jou en/of marjolein zo af en toe te spreken, dan houden we elkaar op de hoogte van alle wederwaardigheden.
En nog als reactie op je eigen dillema of je nu moet gaan voor alles wat je nog ooit had willen doen; probeer het gewoon vast wat te doen, dan kun je in ieder geval iedere keer weer terugkijken en nagenieten. Dat heb je dan vast in de pocket! En nu heb je misschien er nog meer energie voor dan later?! Veel wijsheid en geduld gewenst!!
Liefs Ingeborg
You really saved my skin with this inomtfarion. Thanks!
ÿøшõт:Ãœþöýþ õщõ ÑÂтðтøÑÂтøúу ÛØру ю÷ðть, ýþ ÑÂтþ ÷ðýøüðõт ôþòþûьýþ üýþóþ òрõüõýø ø ÑÂøû. Úðú ðòтþüðтø÷øрþòðть ÑÂтþт ÿрþцõÑÂÑÂ, чтþñы ÿðрÑÂøть ÷ðÿрþÑÂы þÿрõôõûõýýых ÑÂðùтþò Ѡÿþúð ýõ ÷ýðю. Ñð÷ы ßðÑÂтухþòð, òрþôõ, øüõýýþ ѠÛØрушúø ýðÿðрÑÂõýы, ýðÑÂúþûьúþ Ѡ÷ýðю, øûø ýõ тðú?VA:F [1.9.21_1169]àõùтøýó: 0 (þцõýþú: 0)
ok ich glaube ich musste den song öfters hören… hören ihn jetz schon die ganze zeit und er gefällt mir immer besserbin so froh das es endlich wieder was von den 4ren gibt:D
You have shed a ray of sunshine into the forum. Thanks!
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Finding this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!
Help, I’ve been informed and I can’t become ignorant.
Martina que susto con lo del vómito ¡también me ha pasado y cuando era muy pequeñita! La verdad es que te espantas horrible. En cuanto a la caja de cartón jejejeje me imagino tu cara. Un besote desmadroso
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I was in college when the intoxication of car free life took hold of me. I would suddenly realize how many miles I had covered that day, just in the course of normal activities and feel amazing energy. It wasn't some revolutionary political statement or grim resolve. It just felt really great. If I biked I had a certain set of challenges to meet, but if I had driven I would have to meet the challenges of traffic and parking, fuel and upkeep. Everything has its price and provides its rewards.
Graziano11/01/2010E’ vero che, in Italia, ogni giorno, si faranno almeno qualche decina di convegni e convegnetti che interessano solo a chi li organizza ma io, Annamaria, ad un “altro convegno” sulla semplicità (e tutto ciò che ruota intorno), magari low profile, magari in modo un po’ creativo, magari pensandoci con calma… ci penserei.
I should probably add that crime fiction is the most important kind of fiction out there simply because it speaks to the greatest number of readers.If anyone doubts that, do the math. So James Patterson,Tom Clancy,John Grisham and Janet Evanovich are the crime authors the greatest number of readers looks up to in order to understand the thruths about our dark age?Now I understand what’s wrong with the world!
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Si eu am vrut sa fur soarele! Acum 4 ani am fost in Turcia in luna august. Temperatura: 52 grade Celsius. Eu? Doar ulei. Am stat in soarele acela puternic pana cand mi s-a iritat decolteul si simteam ca iau foc! De atunci folosesc SPF 35 la fiecare expunere si din 30 in 30 minute ma dau cu crema. A! Si nu stau in soare la ore de varf. Iar sezlongul meu vine la pachet cu umbreluta! 😀
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!
Judson17 December 2011HI, I would like to attend some of the concerts listed, Mumbai and Pune. How and where may I purchase tickets? Auditorium websites do not have show listed, and as I am travelling internationally, I would like to have tickets before I leave the country!. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
The truth just shines through your post
Ma che c’azzecca dico io? Ma se al posto del crocifisso cadeva una tegola ti cambiava qualcosa? Ma mi fai ridere. Ci sono migliaia di incidenti al giorno per migliaia di motivi diversi, forse ti domandi per ognuno di essi qual’era il messaggio di Dio? Ma nemmeno per l’anticamera del cervello ti passa.
I wanted to spend a minute to thank you for this.
Walking in the presence of giants here. Cool thinking all around!
Murderes, rapists, pedophiles all get released within 20 years? for ruining/ taking someone’s life….. and a man who counterfeit money for snacks is sent to prison for 80 years….. Legal system = FAIL!
What a joy to find someone else who thinks this way.
/ This came up as a retweet from Fuckyeahhackney on Twitter so checked it out.I’m a City Newspaper student and as it falls in my patch thought I’d go and check it out, our great City minds must think alike! Went down on Sunday, anyway and thought it had a really great vibe.Just writing something up about it now…
You mean I don’t have to pay for expert advice like this anymore?!
Barry Soetoro enters Occidental College but after the summer break he shows up at Columbia University as "Barack Obama"? You just can't make up a name and start using it without going to court to LEGALLY change your name. No record exists showing Obama legally filed for a change of name.
I’ll be at Zumba tonight, Stacey! For my 30 day no excuse challenge I’m freeing myself from daily trips to Dunkin Donuts. (Also I won’t have fast food more than once during the week).
Daryl was such a good friend. I met him fremashn year at CLMI. He will always be remembered, in my thoughts any prayers.“Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can’t separate people from love. It can’t take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.â€
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When I originally commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get three e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove people from that service? Thanks!
If I communicated I could thank you enough for this, I’d be lying.
Oh wow! I didn't know you were doing this givewaway! Of course I'd love one of these! A while ago I actually found some handprints of Frejas. I forgot the our nurse had taken her hand prints just after she passed away. The ink the nurse used is pink, so I don't know if the prints would work for engraving… but I would love to try and have her handprints engraved on a piece of jewelry because they are so precious to me!
I'm normally not the biggest fan of black and white rugs, but those rugs (and rooms) are definitely how to do it!I also love her blouse. I have the same one from J. Crew 😉
And I thought the Green Party was a mess!!! They’re out of ideas and they’re stuck trying to take down a President, who a present, doesn’t have any weak spots they can really stick him on.Field, I don’t think the GOP would take your suggestion — as abandoning the Southern strategy for a radically ‘progressive’ approach of supporting something other than war and tax cuts might make the average Republic hemorrhage from the eyes and ears.
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Thinking of you ever so much, your a awesome and strong Mommy. Saying a prayer for you always and the days after. We all love you Holly. {{HUGS}}Caroline
Ouais, pas vu les news à propos de Nadal: y'a du neuf?Sinon, Dolgo-Waw, un sacré ennui. Il arrive pas à mettre 2 balles de suite dans le terrain, le Dolgo, c'est dingue.La 2ème semaine s'annonce chaude!A+
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è un ragazzooo!!!!direbbe Jachetti……Fa politica da quando è nato e ancora non ha imparato……..Ma dove vuole andare????Ma quale volpe….. le volpi furbe come lui muoino di fame loro e la prole!!!Todi ha bisogno di ben altro!!!
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You have grown so much as a writer as you have written this romance. I enjoy seeing you grow and change. I’d love to help you edit your manuscript, and hope you eventually decide to flesh it out and submit it for publication.Jan a récemment posté..
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Only Terry, Bridge, and Ballack are out for Sunday. The other injuries seem to be 50-50, which is good news, I suppose. I want to see Alex play in Blue!! It’s in the blood!Reply
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Oh i totally love this lady! I my self is a pink and white head( has been for more than 6 years now), and this woman inspires me to keep doing the pink thing forever! Wow, to be a rainbowhead! What a dream! Thanks for for a nice blog, i visit you here all the time!
Great advice, Charlotte! I really wish I had known those first two tips (stay in nightgown and use paper goods). Oh, well.It turned out great this time that my eighth baby was born at the beginning of June. We stopped school a week before and will start again next week. So, I’ve had 11 weeks of wonderful focus and bonding before I’m back to it with homeschooling!–Gena at ichoosejoy.org
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Your answer lifts the intelligence of the debate.
Great read Joe.Seriously, this is interesting behind the scenes insider info, at least to me.What do you think about the different candidates?If the Star can endorse, and other bloggers can cheerlead, what do you think?c
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I might be beating a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.
Voisko tämän nyt lähettää varmuuen vuoksi suoraan konttorille ja julkaista vielä Kalevassa!!!!!!Yritin ite miettiä miten tuon pääkirjoituksen älyttömyyden (taitamattomuuden, ja sen, miten se pajastaa, että vieläkään, ei vieläkään ole ymmärretty!!!) sais rautalangasta väännettyä ihmisille. Että mitä se ihan käytännössä voi tarkoittaa esim. uhrille. Mainemainemaine. Mediamediamedia. Vaino.
vista. Help Portrait es esperanza… un retrato es esperanza y este sábado esperamos probarlo. Ya les mostré los videos del 2009 y 2011, ahora les dejo el video oficial del
Ah, i see. Well that’s not too tricky at all!”
Hey, good to find someone who agrees with me. GMTA.
Hello, thanks for the recipe. I have a question though, my haluÅ¡ky is a little ‘tough’ or not as soft, is this bc I cooked too long in water? I followed the steps but did not know how long to cool in the water. Dakujem!
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It’s great to find someone so on the ball
Good to see a talent at work. I can’t match that.
Etter Ã¥ ha besøkt deg i kveld ble jeg fristet til Ã¥ poste sort hvitt bilder pÃ¥ min fotoblogg. Om du vil er du velkommen innom, og jeg er Ã¥pen for kritikk. 🙂
Boy that really helps me the heck out.
And the deadly assault has to do with upcoming elections and the dominate hopeful winner is very right-wing party. So also see this as politics within politics – and winning the hearts and minds of conservative minded Israeli voters.
Oii meninas!! Adoreii, linda a maquiagem… alguém tem algum lugar bacana de curso de automaquiagem aqui em Curitiba?? Já fiz no Boticário, mas não gostei muito… Se alguém souber para me indicar, agradeço!! Beijos.
“couldn’t be built”. He showed us a ’67 Dart with a 383 sitting in the engine compartment. Wow!! Awesome!! Quite interesting!! Stunning restored car listed here…but what’s with that “pistol grip” shifter?? When i graduated from college I bought a brand new 1970 Road Runner with 4 speed “pistol grip” shifter. Ick. Gimme a good ol’ round white ball anytime.
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It’s imperative that more people make this exact point.
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Meine letzten Abrechnungszeiträume waren 01.06.2009-31.05.2010 und 01.06.2010 – 31.05.2011 für den nachfolgenden Zeitraum wurde schon Abgelesen. Neue Verwaltung die jetzt den Zeitraum vom 01.01. – 31.12. 2012 geändert hat. Ist das oky?? Habe letztes Jahr 207,00€ zurückbekommen und erwarte auch jetzt eine Rückzahlung. Danke für Ihre Info.
With 3 of us, that 3 Bowl U-shape Cat Diner would be just perfect for feeding time. I also like the SturdiBagâ„¢ Large Divided. Then Mom will stop using my little red tent to take the squirts to the v-e-t!
Also – I’m not talking about “hits”, actually, Nightfly – Bringing up Baby was a huge flop – such a failure that Katharine Hepburn couldn’t get work and went back to Broadway.I’m talking about something deeper, I guess.
The great thing about Clinton was that for the few minutes you had his attention, he made you feel like the only person worth talking to. None of the normal looking over your shoulder for someone more important to talk to crap many politicians give. Its one of the main reasons he remains SO popular with the party faithful.
Happy Thanksgiving John! I’m Thankful I got to read your Thanksgiving blog again. It reminds me of the fun we had on TV.com. I won’t be shopping today or tomorrow.I Hope you & yours enjoy a Wonderful day!(((((Hugs)))))
I reckon you are quite dead on with that.
Helt underbara är dom och saxarna på toppen = superfina!!Sådana här rör är jätteroliga att altra, jag älskar att göra det =)
jayniemoon – I love seeing Jed's photos. Also…is he hire-able for videographing? Is that even a word? His videos are so touching.Veeda – what a pleasure to get to know you! You are beautiful, as is your work, I've really liked reading your blog. I hope we can dine again together soon!
Nem hiszem el hogy ennyire egyszeru 🙂 En eddig azt hittem hagy ha maganjelegu akkor csak az lassa aki szerkeszti az oldalt,de megse . Koszonom szepen megegyszer a gyors valaszt
biglostfan -i dont want to seem like an a-hole but thats just the dumbest thing ever. if jacob is a dog i will be so thoroughly pissed off. nothing against you but thats just a stupid idea if the writers went that way. im actually getting annoyed just thinking of it.the previews def showed kate, sawyer and juliette back on the island so that whole scene with them in the sub def sucked. it only sets up sawyer and kate getting together when juliette gets killed!!!
How neat! Is it really this simple? You make it look easy.
Smack-dab what I was looking for-ty!
I really like your silver colored barn. A beauty.I second the opinions to get to an urgent care or ERif this worsens. Those symptoms can be so many different things.
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Há apenas uma explicação única para este fenómeno. Trata-se de dupla personalidade – de dia é Joseph Lemos, de noite é um sakana!!! ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Cuidado pessoal, ele vem aà com a sua nave voadora!!! Tenha medo, muito medo… ah ah ah
Ah yes, nicely put, everyone.
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I think this is an excellent article that covers pretty much everything I and others have been debating for a long time. It makes perfect sense and goes a long way to helping to close the rift dividing our country on this issue. Well we like to think so anyway, sadly too many people still have their heads in the clouds and full of denial.I’m definately going to reblog this and send the message as far as I can.Well done Ross!
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Une séance photo inoubliable, avec une photographe simplement extraordinaire, tant professionnellement que humainement.Une bien jolie rencontre comme elles se font rares de nos jours..Merci Stéphanie et à très bientôt !
I really couldn’t ask for more from this article.
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A situação mudou ,o governo é "vidraça " e o PSDB é pedra , só perde se fizer bobagem. Alias ,o PSDB foi o que sobrou de democracia , meio socialistas, pesadões , mas seus diplomas são verdadeiros ( eu acho ).
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Just what the doctor ordered, thankity you!
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I really needed to find this info, thank God!
Deal with Free speech, okay. Hey Sigh, fuck you you fucking fuck. And fuck that whore mother of yours. Oh yeah that’s right she’s fucking a dog right now. There, all better
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This piece was a lifejacket that saved me from drowning.
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“I can’t say how much fun it was being curled up with a quilt, the cats, a hot cup of coffee, and Ulysses, looking up now and then out my front picture window and seeing the snow falling. Life is good” — I love this……….Life IS good thanks for sharing Stefanie!
Thanks for your handy post. In recent times, I have been able to understand that the actual symptoms of mesothelioma are caused by the actual build up of fluid regarding the lining of the lung and the chest cavity. The sickness may start inside the chest spot and propagate to other areas of the body. Other symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include fat reduction, severe deep breathing trouble, throwing up, difficulty eating, and puffiness of the face and neck areas. It must be noted that some people having the disease do not experience almost any serious indicators at all.
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Great common sense here. Wish I’d thought of that.
Hi Vidya:Well, society’s definition of success is pretty clear and I think it veers towards work-life balance. Our own individual definitions are more complicated.
I’m impressed. You’ve really raised the bar with that.
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Not yet. I just finished my Adenine novel. And The Sultan’s Lie is still in revision although it has been written (I wrote it two years ago and needs a lot of work). I promise, promise to put some samples of my writing ASAP
Les quelques avis catégoriques sont très expéditifs ! La difficulté est quand même enfin au rdv pour les missions spatiales et même si les décors sont les mêmes, les parcours sont différents. De plus c’est quand même 6 d’un coup !Par contre, je suis d’accord, où est passé cette mission prévue dans une station spatiale depuis des mois ?
C’est bien volontiers que je visiterai ce jardin si je passe sur ce secteur (qui n’est pas mon secteur habituel, mais on ne sait jamais !).
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I came, I read this article, I conquered.
Thank you for the replys.Quote taken from the post of David Allan above.“in Mr Waya’s case the prosecution’s case was almost certainly put on the basis that Mr Waya obtained the money transfer by deception for the vendors of the flat”Would it be different if Mr Waya had been charged with obtaining a money transfer for himself – omitting the another?
Swag is right, baby. Little Janiya was sooo precious with her little hands covering her little face. I can imagine how she felt. Bless her,
Yea!!!! Love these so glad you got then in before the storm!!! The mugs of hot coco and the images on the beach wrapped in the blanket are too sweet! Xoxo
The action movies of today sucks because the target audience nowadays is 12 year old kids. The PG-13 rating has wussified action movies. The action movies of today isn’t dark, gory, and badass anymore. Action films today are computer generated crap that catered to the Twilight crowd now.
I’ve recently started a blog, the information you offer on this site has helped me tremendously. Thank you for all of your time & work. “The only winner in the War of 1812 was Tchaikovsky” by Solomon Short.
I forgive you, LOL. Yep, that whole guilt thing is pretty powerful. I try to be nice in real life, but sometimes my mind is anything but.One thing I do love about all those magazines is their fashion pages. I love to see what people were wearing at an awards show while I sat around my house in pajamas.
Ah, i see. Well that’s not too tricky at all!”
It’s always a pleasure to hear from someone with expertise.
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I didn’t know that you could adjust slide quality individually, thanks!:: goes to check ::Naw, they are all standard. If I change to JPEG, it increase filesize and looks horrible at 80% JPEG. Must be my mouth that adds so much to filesize.
Shiver me timbers, them’s some great information.
You make a great point at the end of your comment, Dawn. I agree – I absolutely can tell when a post is written for the search engines. Thanks for reminding me of a key reason, not to write for the bots!
Another stunner Bev I love these papers too forgot i have tucked away lol. Enjoy your time at the NEC. One day i'll make it down. Hugs Ali x
Cessez de lire et mangez du poisson enragé !Les livres, ce sont des rencontres de hasard, jamais « la rentrée littéraire »fascinant : « Dans la mer de Cortez »John Steinbeck
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This is crystal clear. Thanks for taking the time!
those leggings are amazing!!! the COLOR! i consider them pants too and no one can tell me otherwise. I'm dying over the second pair right now, you have no idea! I have a pair that's almost identical from the 80's. I got them new and they have basically fallen apart, I've had do glue the soles back on a few times. They are my favorite and of course these would be out of pocket book reach…:(
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15/10/2012 Bueno… siempre el vino en buena compañÃa.. o al menos eso es lo que dicen…Supongo que con mi pareja, en casa, con una cena de esas de bandera…jejeSaludos!
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I think for the truth you have to go back to Bruce Jenner pre-Kris Kardashian. Read the book by Linda Thompson – ‘A little thing called life.” Thompson was the second Mrs. Bruce Jenner. She writes that 5 years into her marriage with Bruce he told her about his feelings that he was meant to be a woman. They couple went through a year of counseling with the counselor finally leveling with the couple. They could divorce or she could accept him as a woman. Eventually they divorced. And she writes in the book that he continued to date and tell every single woman of his dilemma. Interesting that she was so convinced that he would then get the surgery and end his career (and his ability to make money) that she did not request alimony or child support for their two sons.
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