Het is een tijd geleden, dat ik een stukje op het blog heb geplaatst.
Dolf is nu 10 weken thuis, na een ziekenhuisopname van 6 weken in het UMCU. Tijdens de thuisperiode zijn we wekelijks 1 of 2 keer naar het UMC geweest voor controle van wonden/bloedwaardes.
De beslissing om Dolf niet naar het verpleegtehuis te laten gaan, maar thuis de revalidatie te gaan doen, is prima geweest. Na een loodzware beginperiode, waarin Dolf nog niet veel kon en hij veel hulp en toezicht nodig had, gaat het sinds enkele weken een stuk beter. We proberen zoveel mogelijk aan Dolf’s conditie te werken, stukje fietsen, stukje wandelen. Proberen kracht op te bouwen. Hij meldde zelf al, dat hij ook weer kan autorijden. Fijn. We genieten als gezin erg van de “kleine dingen van het leven” en van elkaar.
Dolf zei zelf ook al, dat het nog niet allemaal “koek en ei” is. Hij heeft veel pijn en is beperkt in zijn bewegingen (schouder/nek/armen/gezicht). Hiervoor komt er binnenkort nog een hersteloperatie aan.
Er is nog een lange weg te gaan. Na de operatie opknappen, conditie opbouwen en dan het stamcel-traject (op z’n vroegst in het najaar).
Het volgende stukje betreft met name mijzelf:
“Hoe gaat het nu met jou?” Deze vraag is me de laatste tijd enkele keren gesteld. Het snelste en gemakkelijkste antwoord is natuurlijk “goed “….. Ik wil dit antwoord hier toch enigszins nuanceren.
Er is heel veel gebeurd in deze 16 weken. Het valt mij tegen om dit allemaal “een plekje te geven”. Het is voor mij nog steeds moeilijk om erover te praten. De tranen zitten nog steeds hoog. Ik word heen en weer geslingerd tussen angst en vertrouwen/hoop. De dagelijkse zaken en de praktische zorg voor het gezin lukken me wel. Zolang ik bezig ben, gaat het goed. Af en toe komt alles in de volle hevigheid op me af.
Ons leven is nog lang niet zoals het voor 12 februari was en gaat waarschijnlijk nooit meer zoals toen worden.
Op dit moment speelt het volgende:
Dolf is zwakker dan voordat hij de bacteriële infectie opliep, heeft nog steeds weinig witte bloedcellen, is dus nog steeds vatbaar voor infecties (virussen en bacteriën). En hoe pakt dat dan uit?
In huis zijn alle mogelijke voorzorgsmaatregelen getroffen. Zelf zijn we erg alert op besmettingsgevaar.
Zo zijn er veel vanzelfsprekende en minder vanzelfsprekende maatregels ingevoerd. Alle planten zijn uit huis verwijderd en bloemen zijn ook niet toegestaan (vanwege bacteriën in aarde/water).
Deze situatie maakt mij angstig. Ik zie overal (besmettings) gevaar.
Mijn nadrukkelijke verzoek blijft:
Als je enigszins twijfelt over je eigen gezondheid (verkouden/niet fit), blijf dan bij ons uit de buurt.
ZOEN DOLF EN MIJ NIET, hoe goed bedoeld ook.
Virussen worden vaak via de handen doorgegeven. Kom je op bezoek, was (desinfecteer) dan eerst je handen. (En geen hand geven, maar een hand opsteken wordt ook gewaardeerd!)
Als Dolf binnenkort geopereerd wordt, zal ik uiteraard het bijhouden van het blog weer tijdelijk overnemen.
Funny that in page 2 they mention about an inanstt-on software that can run a browser and it uses Linux to make it happen. So exactly how is Linux irrelevant when it will most likely be the base (and in some cases it already is) for these types of thin devices?
Holy shiznit, this is so cool thank you.
“Wait a minute, I think this women is on to something. Maybe Trenton could come up with some type of giant bake sale to balance the budget. How much debt does NJ have?”about 6.02 x 10^23 cupcakes worth
things to do at night is pour a glass of scotch and work on projects. Oxbow is the name of a supper club type pop-up restaurant my friend Mac is going to take a crack at running the show for, and I am
Super informative writing; keep it up.
A well-done variation of Robert's CES 2012 Speech. However, I must observer that the overall push seems to be on getting new creators, and not on the care and feeding of long term creators (like myself). Why not a badge at least, rewarding us for sticking with YouTube as, in my case, a partner since 2008?
Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. 🙂
Ph.H,le nom de cette couleur qui n’en est pas une est composé de trois mots. Arc-en-ciel ?je nageais dans l’éther bleu, où ma ceinture bigarrée aux mille couleurs, que se disputaient les zéphirs, resplendissait toute large et magnifique comme un arc-en-ciel tombé de l’Olympe. (Gustave Flaubert – La Tentation de Saint-Antoine)
Olen varmaan sisäistänyt tuon uskomuksen kesästä ja dekkareista, kun nyt pitkän tauon jälkeen olen taas kaivannut dekkaria luettavaksi. Tuolla on odottamassa Cedervallin "Ajattelen sinua kuolemaasi saakka", toivottavasti se vastaa tarpeeseen.Leila Simonen on minulle ihan uusi tuttavuus, täytyy laittaa nimi muistiin!
I think rosie would be “Whole lotta Rosie” by AC/DC, she sure lives her life to the fullest and everyone just falls in love with her every where she goes.
Keep on writing and chugging away!
Førr nån herli motiv å bilda.. Takk for tips, dit må æ inn flere gang!Å vil veldi gjerne være me i trekning.Av plakatan likte æ Barcelona Scooterveldi godt :)Krysse fingran!ha en super dag!-Trine-
I live in a neighborhood that was about 100% pro-Obama with a sign in every yard “Obama”—everywhere. I shall be brave and the moment that the Republican candidate is announced, I’ll put up his sign in my yard!!!
Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I appreciate it.
You tube is the best thing that happened to the internet. I see you tube celebrating its true 100 years some time in the future. I children will probably see us then too.
I really appreciate free, succinct, reliable data like this.
Desculpe, utilizar esta área, mas a página de contactos do PTBUX não funciona.Como posso levantar o dinheiro que ganhei, pois já ultrapassei os 10€?Obrigado.
What a fantastic post Vix. This should be featured in every style guide on the planet! You can only look unique if you mix a little bit of second-hand in with the new clothes. You have achieved more with this post than Gok could in a decade. I'm no fan of Gok's, I find him disingenuous and narsissistic.I'm desperate to get to a jumble sale, in fact I think I'd like to do an 'around Britain in 100 charity shops (or jumble sales)' tour.
A million thanks for posting this information.
You saved me a lot of hassle just now.
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matsuã•ã‚“ãŒå†ã³ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã§ããªã„ã¨ã®ã“ã¨ã§ã™ã®ã§、ã¨ã‚Šã‚ãˆãšä»£ç†ã§æŠ•ç¨¿ã—ã¾ã™。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー島産略抄è‰æœ¨æ²™çŸ³ãƒ‹ãƒäººå‚葉、■■ニ似ã¦、「ノコギレ細ク、壓花(ココメãƒãƒŠ)ノ如ク、色黄ニシテ、味甘辛ナリト云。 ○笑é¨èŠ±(ココメãƒãƒŠ)(ãƒã‚»ã‚µã‚¯ãƒ©)æ ´æª€æœ¨ 朱檀、黒檀共ã«ã‚¢ãƒª。実形ãƒ■åノ如ニシテ白色。 ○çƒæœ¨(コクタン)タイダラ ãƒãƒ³ãƒŽæœ¨ãƒŽå¦‚ク、åˆæ¨Ÿæœ¨ãƒ‹ä¼¼ã‚¿ãƒª。ç±³å辺、往々æ¤æœ¨ã‚¢ãƒªãƒˆäº‘リ。 ○タイタラ オホタラã‹。オホタラ、æ¼¢å■■ãƒãƒªã‚リ 黄■(■木)(ã‚ãƒãƒ€) 山茶(ツãƒã‚) æ ‚(トガ) 槻(ツã‚) 大竹 マノ竹■骨(ヒイラã‚) 葉ãƒ、機樹葉ノ如シ。木色赤シテ、葉先手ニタツ。本邦ノ榧ニ似リ。 ○■骨 一å、å大功労葉。政精按ルニ、é›çš®çŒªè‰ãƒŽé¡žãƒˆäº‘モノ、イクサ漢å燈心è‰ãƒˆäº‘ルãƒéžãƒŠãƒª。猪è‰ãƒæ¢¶ãƒŽé¡žãƒ‹ãƒ†、æ°´è‰ãƒ‹ã‚¢ãƒ©ã‚¹。é›çš®ãƒä¸‰ãƒ„猪ト云モノ也。(注:ã“ã®æ³¨é‡ˆã¯「é›çš®」ã®ã‚‚ã®。ä½ç½®ãŒãšã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹。ã“ã®「政精」ã¯、誰?)æ¡é›çš® 猪è‰(ヰクサ)ã®é¡ž。之ヲ以テå”紙ヲ製ス。åˆ、和紙ニモé›çš®ç´™ãƒŠãƒ«è€…アリ。 ○イクサ、æ¼¢å ■心è‰è’œ 葉ãƒçŽ‹ç°ªèŠ±ãƒŽå¦‚ã‚·。 ○大蒜(ニンニク) å°è’œ(コビラ)(注:コビルã‹)■冬(フã‚) ■■(ミャウカ) 上常帰 ■æ´»(ウト) 百åˆ(ユリ) 牛房■(ヨク) カシノ類、å曰万æ³。 ○本è‰、所謂■ã¯、冬é’ニシテ、モケノã‚万年æžãƒˆäº‘モ、冬é’ãƒ■åナリ。(注:「モケノã‚」ã¯「モãƒãƒŽã‚」ã‹)芙蓉 胡■å(コリミ) 苺(イãƒã‚´) 虎æ–(イタトリ)辰沙岩緑é’ニ髣髴タル者。 ○イãƒãƒã‚¯ã‚»ã‚¦。æ¼¢å、ç·‘é’。一å、石緑、大緑。ç‰ãƒ、先其大略ナリ。橕夫(センドウ)、æ¼è€…(レウシ)ノ賎民ç‰、物産ノå¦ãƒ‹ä¸æ˜ŽãƒŠãƒ¬ãƒ、其未知サル所、多ã‚ãƒå›ºãƒˆãƒ¨ãƒªåˆ†ã‚¿ãƒ«æ‰€ãƒŠãƒª。然而、樹木元ヨリç¹èŒ‚、山林甚タ深é ナレãƒ、今、一个ノ有è˜è€…ヲé£ãƒ†、å†ã之ヲ探索セãƒ、異木奇è‰ãƒ¢åˆå¯¡ã‚·ãƒˆã‚»ã‚¹。深ク嘆æ¯ã‚¹ãƒ˜ã‚所ナリ。é³¥ç£éšé¡žãƒ‹ãƒçŒ«、é¼ 、告天å(ヒãƒãƒª)天■(ヒãƒãƒª)ç©´é³¥(アナトリ)毎æœä¸ƒæ™‚、人比何方ヘカ飛去リ、日暮酉時ヨリ戌時マテニ帰リ棲ム。若シ人、夜ä¸ãƒ‹å…¶ç©´ãƒ²æ±‚メテ之ヲ探レãƒç²ãƒ«ã‚³ãƒˆã‚¢ãƒª。其色ç°ç™½ãƒ‹ã‚·ãƒ†、宛モ大鳥ニ似タリ。肢毛モ白ト云リ。橕夫ç‰、åツケテ穴鳥ト云。未漢åヲ審ニセス。■(ヒヨトリ) 白■é³¥(ヒヨトリ) 河原ヒワ(金■雀(カワラヒワ)å››å雀 白■é³¥(シジウカラ) é´Ž 鵜(ウ)■■ ナãƒã‚³ 燕鷲 ■ 角鷹(クマタカ) èš« 石■明(ã‚¢ãƒãƒ“) 「三åƒéš ○■眼(ノジコ)å››å雀ãƒ、白■é³¥(ホウジãƒ)ヨリ少サクシテ、åŒé¡žåˆ¥ç¨®ãƒŽç™½■é³¥。我邦ニ■白トモ。雄雌並éŠãƒ•ãƒ¢ãƒŽ、之四å雀ト云ãƒ、群集スルコト多ナリ。ä¾ãƒ†å·ã‚¯ãƒ«ãƒ¢ãƒŽã‚«。æµ·é©¢(トド)或人、予ニ謂テ曰ã、è‚¥å‰・平戸・五島辺ã®æ»„海ニ「マレブイ」ト云フ者、æ¤ãƒŽæµ·é©¢ãƒŽé¡žãƒŠãƒ©ãƒ³。其ノ大サ、å°çŠ¬ãƒŽå¦‚ã、é¢ãƒ■éš(ナマズ)ノ如ク、極メテ多脂ニシテ、白色質ãƒè‹ãƒ‹ä¼¼ã‚¿。(注:「似タリ」ã‹)若シ人之レヲ猟シ、釜ä¸ãƒ‹å…¥ãƒ¬、æ°´ãƒ²åŠ ãƒ˜ãƒ†ç…®ãƒ«ãƒˆã‚ãƒ、油気沸騰シテ上é¢ãƒ‹æµ®ãƒ•。之ヲå–ãƒªæ›´ãƒ‹æ°´ãƒ²åŠ ãƒ˜ãƒ†ç…®ãƒ«ãƒˆã‚ãƒå¾©ã‚¿å§‹ãƒ¡ãƒŽå¦‚ク、幾回モ尽ルノ期ナシ。是ヲ以テ、若シæ¼äºº(リャウシ)之レヲ猟セãƒå¤§ãƒ‹æ²¹ãƒ²å¾—ルノ利アルヲ以テ、å±…æ’(ツãƒ)ニ是ヲ猟セント欲スレトモ、嗅覚固ヨリæ•é‹ãƒŠãƒ«è€…ナレãƒ、若シ人、風上ニ在レãƒ、忽ãƒæ°´ä¸ãƒ‹æ½œåŒ¿ã‚¹。或ãƒ、海上風波ナã‚トã‚ãƒ、出テç¤å²©ä¸Šãƒ‹ãƒ†çœ テ醒サルコトアリ。然ルトã‚ãƒé¢¨ä¸‹ãƒ¨ãƒªè¿‘ヅã‚、■ニテè¡ã‚、ç²ãƒ«ãƒˆäº‘ヘリ。ç‰ãƒŠãƒª。å³ãƒŽä¸、特ニ人å‚、èš«、海驢ノ三å“、最多シ。ç±³åヨリ渡島ノ人、æ¤ä¸‰å“ノ外ãƒ、多クãƒæºãƒ˜å¸°ãƒ©ã‚¹ãƒˆäº‘ヘリ。以上ノ産物ãƒ、元禄å…å¹´、渡島ノ人é¢ã‚¿ãƒªè¦‹ãƒ«æ‰€ãƒ²æŽ²ã‚±ãƒ†、ç±³åノ市人、大谷・æ‘å·ãƒŽä¸¡æ°ãƒ¨ãƒªæ±Ÿæˆ¸å®˜äººãƒ‹å‘ˆã‚¹ãƒ«æ‰€ãƒŽæ›¸ãƒ²ä»¥ãƒ†è¨¼ãƒˆã‚»ãƒªãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼ãƒ¼
What a joy to find someone else who thinks this way.
Im impressed, I have to say. Incredibly rarely do I come across a weblog thats both informative and entertaining, and let me let you know, youve hit the nail on the head. Your weblog is critical; the issue is some thing that not adequate folks are talking intelligently about. Im truly pleased that I stumbled across this in my search for some thing relating to this concern.
Boy that really helps me the heck out.
I counted 20 parking lots between McGee and Summit Streets and 22 if you go to West Pennway & 20th. Angled parking is preferable to another surface lot taking up prime street frontage
Phenomenal breakdown of the topic, you should write for me too!
Wow, that’s a really clever way of thinking about it!
What about the “fake” architects….George on Seinfeld when he pretends to be an architect. And the poser on Something About Mary…it seems like it is so cool to be architects to impress the girl that people who aren’t pretend to be.Those who can “architect” and those who can’t “pretend”
5:35 pm, October 12, 2012|Ya know, I feel like an idiot for never realizing that they had Linda Blair on some sort of rig for when she was getting flung up and down on the bed. I dunno, I guess whenever I saw it the thought briefly crossed my mind that she must have really great core strength or something…but that’s stupid because she was only like 14 at the time. What the hell is wrong with me?
on the Hillshire Farms Grilled Essentials for $2.21 each 2pk. There is a $1.00 off coupon found on coupons.com to make these $1.21. They are normally $3.48 each! Hillshire Farms Grilled Essentials 2pk $2.21
I’m afraid I’m too often thrift over style! I’m currently hunting necklaces and earings, but I’m passing on everything b/c it seems so expensive… I’d love to see some tips on buying guilt free jewelry!
Immagino, ho sentito caldo io, vestita da Mimì -_-'Mannaggia peccato che non ti ho visto, sarà per la prossima volta :-)Però mia cugina ha ritrovato la foto che ha fatto con te due anni fa ^^
I wanted to spend a minute to thank you for this.
good to know. i don’t have much attenuator experience, i had a badcat leash for awhile, i actually liked the sound of my amp turned down with pedals better than w/ the leash. you might be indirectly talking me into something.
I disagree. If you want to make the break and go out on your own, I think Rob has some good ideas here. I did it 20 years ago and I have (almost) never looked back.
Gosh, a rather nice sum of money! And money for 18 writers in total. This is definitely one to check out, and the guidelines are not so restrictive. Sarah Waters is a huge favourite of mine, thanks for ringing us this. We’ve only got til 31 March… But you’re right, the Sept thingy is a little odd. Well, let that be the winners’ worst problem!
Great insight! That’s the answer we’ve been looking for.
You’ve got to be kidding me-it’s so transparently clear now!
Could you write about Physics so I can pass Science class?
I reckon you are quite dead on with that.
Pleasing to find someone who can think like that
und du hast erst noch ein belächeltes blogspot-blog-system von google gewählt. ein von der blogger-szene belächeltes fertiggericht. …. das ich übrigens auch benutze. 🙂
Articles like this really grease the shafts of knowledge.
à ¤…à ¤£à ¥Âà ¤£à ¤¾ à ¤¹à ¤œà ¤¾à ¤°à ¥‡… à ¤…à ¤—à ¤¦à ¥€ à ¤¬à ¤°à ¥‹à ¤¬à ¤°. à ¤¤à ¥Âà ¤¯à ¤¾à ¤‚à ¤šà ¥€ à ¤ªà ¤£ à ¤¤à ¤° à ¤ªà ¤°à ¤¿à ¤¸à ¥Âà ¤¥à ¤¿à ¤¤à ¥€ à ¤†à ¤¤à ¤¾ à ¤•à ¥‹à ¤£à ¥€ à ¤µà ¤¿à ¤šà ¤¾à ¤°à ¤¤ à ¤¨à ¤¾à ¤¹à ¥€ à ¤…à ¤¶à ¥€ à ¤Âà ¤¾à ¤²à ¥€ à ¤†à ¤¹à ¥‡. à ¤ªà ¤¹à ¤¿à ¤²à ¥Âà ¤¯à ¤¾ à ¤ªà ¤¾à ¤¨à ¤¾à ¤µà ¤°à ¥‚à ¤¨ à ¤Âà ¤•à ¤¦à ¤® à ¤¶à ¥‡à ¤µà ¤Ÿà ¤²à ¥Âà ¤¯à ¤¾ à ¤ªà ¤¾à ¤¨à ¤¾à ¤µà ¤° à ¤ªà ¥‹à ¤¹à ¥‹à ¤šà ¤²à ¥‡ à ¤¤à ¥‡. à ¤¯à ¤¾à ¤šà ¤‚ à ¤•à ¤¾à ¤°à ¤£ à ¤Âà ¤•à ¤š, à ¤¤à ¥Âà ¤¯à ¤¾à ¤‚à ¤šà ¥Âà ¤¯à ¤¾ à ¤†à ¤‚à ¤¦à ¥‹à ¤²à ¤¨à ¤¾à ¤¨à ¥‡ à ¤•à ¤¾à ¤¹à ¥€ à ¤¸à ¤¾à ¤§à ¥Âà ¤¯ à ¤¹à ¥‹à ¤£à ¤¾à ¤° à ¤¨à ¤¾à ¤¹à ¥€ à ¤¹à ¥€ à ¤—à ¥‹à ¤·à ¥Âà ¤Ÿ à ¤¸à ¤—à ¤³à ¥Âà ¤¯à ¤¾à ¤‚à ¤šà ¥Âà ¤¯à ¤¾à ¤š à ¤²à ¤•à ¥Âà ¤·à ¤¾à ¤¤ à ¤†à ¤²à ¥€ à ¤†à ¤¹à ¥‡.
What’s it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?
#96 Sarge:All you have to do is to tell me when the Republican Party last did anything to stop social democrats from ruining the country.Read my response in #104. There you go. Asked and answered.
Full of salient points. Don’t stop believing or writing!
I would love to read a post on math and gauge – I’m about to teach myself how to make a pattern from scratch or modify an other so I would love to hear more. I’ve started making samples to check my gauge so that I can calculate how much I need to cast on in order to get the size and so on.
Super jazzed about getting that know-how.
I just had to come back again and say how happy I am for you. Look at all the people that are so excteid for this news! I can’t wait for DJ to be the boss of little brother/sister. How funny and full of himself will he be!!! LMAO!! Okay, now I want me a bump too….nah, just kidding, I will live through you for this one!
This information is off the hizool!
No more s***. All posts of this quality from now on
Absolutely first rate and copper-bottomed, gentlemen!
lo de que “gmail es humano” era muy obvio, a mi manera de ver. Gmail suele ser siempre muy preciso en cómo se acerca siempre a lo que vamos necesitando los usuarios, pero sÃ, es verdad, este “detalle” de humanidad tal vez nos hace “ver” que del otro lado hay personas falibles y nos hace sentir más cercanos.no?un saludobuena semanaPaula
I thought finding this would be so arduous but it’s a breeze!
Play informative for me, Mr. internet writer.
For the love of God, keep writing these articles.
En 1991 o volcán Pinatubo entrou en erupción. Ó erupcionar,este liberou gran cantidade de micropartÃculas formando o que se chama aerosol na atmosfera. Este aerosol bloqueou parcialmente a luz do sol facendo que a temperatura total do planeta baixaran, e como resultado as augas oceánicas contraéronse. Nun só ano o nivel do océano baixou seis milÃmetros.
cade o anime em avi ? eu nunca acho pra baixar só acho em rmvb tah dizendo que tem em avi mais eu naun achei até agora.
day with what we are calling our “Friday Favorites.â€Â Each week we will highlight one… read more Stories Documented The Meaning Of Family | 09.07.2012 It started with a huge love and
Gregor:You don't say why you discount the possibility of Iraqi oil expansion. (Maybe you've addressed this elsewhere and I've just missed it).I'm not saying the al-Shahristani plan is assured of success, far from it. But it certainly seems amongst the universe of plausible possibilities and has the potential to raise global production.
That’s way the bestest answer so far!
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Gramma: I know, it is truly remarkable. And yes, it has been such a treasure and continues to be such a treasure! Just as you have been in my life!:)-And I know, white! The similarities are just unnerving!:)
You’ve got to be kidding me-it’s so transparently clear now!
Good job making it appear easy.
I's slightly obsessed with knitwear so loving this! That metal collar is an absolute gem, you can give any outfit an edgy twist in an instant.Looking good girlxxjadedanielle-fashionbeforefood.blogspot.com
I bow down humbly in the presence of such greatness.
If I feel crushed at reading your decision, I am sure it is nothing to what you must feel at surrendering the hopes and dreams of a lifetime.Your books give me great pleasure. I think you're the wittiest guy in print.I admire your courage in the face of harsh economic reality, and I'm delighted that Lily will never have cause to doubt where she stands with you.And I'll never stop hoping for your success as a novelist.
This article went ahead and made my day.
Posts like this brighten up my day. Thanks for taking the time.
Unparalleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!
This is a most useful contribution to the debate
HHIS I should have thought of that!
OH! Wow Mandy, this is beautiful. It is my first visit, and I am very happy I found you. Your card is stunning, your coloring is magnificient. I love the snowflake border, and all the lovely details.Awesome.
Well, I’m old and un-hip. 45, married 18 years, two kids, etc.I will not list all the ways I’m un-hip, except to say that U2 is the only one of the bands you mentioned that’s on my iPod…and that I just got my first iPod two weeks ago.
At last! Someone with the insight to solve the problem!
An intelligent answer – no BS – which makes a pleasant change
I love movies! Half the time by the time the kids go to bed, have to convince my wife to stay up and watch. She has slept through tge end of many movies.
Dez14 Hehe cool geschrieben.Respekt.Schade, dass es nicht schon so an den Schulen läuft. Und jetzt zu dir Ano nym, ich glaube du bist selbst einer dieser Fetten, die im Artikel beschrieben werden …
love. it. all. Thanks for sharing, especially the music. I love music, but rarely branch out of folksy singer sonwriter stuff. My kids call it sleepy music. Claire´s last [type] ..
Hola Meritxell, el uso de los cf3digos QR se puede haber incrementado un 150%, pero claro, cnudao partes de una base tan pequef1a Las pruebas que hemos hecho nosotros en los hoteles de Expo tienen un resultado nulo.El tema de los cf3digos QR no creo que llegue a funcionar nunca, porque la experiencia de usuario es mala (hay que descargarse una aplicacif3n para hacerlos funcionar), y porque intuyo que en poco tiempo las ce1maras de los mf3viles podre1n leer directamente URL’sSaludos
Eee, ja się nie doczytałam, że zielone futerko ma być w lodówce. Zaraz je tam umieszczę. Z konsumpcją poczekam, aż mój domowy miłośnik białej czeko wróci do domu.Basia, a tą senchę to taką normalną, listkową? Czy jakoś należałoby rozdrobnić?
This piece was a lifejacket that saved me from drowning.
Economies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!
I’m looking for 3 cheap starter boards for my triplets. They are only 10 years old and just starting out. Something kinda cheap (under a $100??) would be great! I live in Huntington but would like to come and see what you have, possibly next weekend. Any suggestions? Thank you!
Wow! Great thinking! JK
One factor in the American experience is that when we don’t understand the “expert” management hired as a consultant we do not assume it is because we are stupid – we assume the expert is just one more instance of somebody who is book-smart, world-dumb.
This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any articles on rehab?
My PS3 freezes and then resets itself when quitting from NBA 2K11 to the XMB menu. This never happened before but the first time it happened it actually took me to the 3.65 update and I updated the system but the problem continues when I do this playing NBA 2K11. I check to see if this occurs with Madden 11 but it doesn’t.
Grade A stuff. I’m unquestionably in your debt.
Je trouve dans Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias:[1880-85; < NL Elapidae, equiv. to Elap- (s. of Elaps name of genus << Gk éllops a sea-fish) +idae -ID2]Voilà , c'est le serpent de mer.
Never seen a better post! ICOCBW
Now we know who the sensible one is here. Great post!
We need more insights like this in this thread.
I caught a little bit of Peterson on local TV last night addressing some commission at City Hall (was flipping through channels, so I’m not sure if it was the Entertainment Commission or what). She was claiming that the City wasn’t forthcoming about the amount of fees early on and had estimated that they would be about half what they are currently despite her efforts to work this out beforehand. In a City like SF, you are best served to hire an expert to navigate through the permitting process for you.
Du har ingen aning om vad du snackar om. Delar av min familj flydde undan nazisterna under andra världskriget när det var poppis att utrota zigenare och resande. Jag vet exakt vad SD representerar Pär Larsson med genomsvenskt namn och jag har garanterat funderat mer över vad som ger bränsle åt såna än vad du har. Spara ditt pliktskyldiga svart-vita tänk till någon annan.
That addresses several of my concerns actually.
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Frankly, I think we owe a debt of gratitude to whoever paid them to leave Canada, even if only for a short time. I don't care how they got to Israel, I just want to know what we can do to keep them from coming back. Maybe someone should tell the authorities that Kathie doesn't look like her passport picture.
they can make a … they can make a president teen shield and adult shield for intelligence gathering for national intelligence gathering for whitehouse. That would give younger workers a chance to get a job in national protection of president. Its good to have extra jobs for people across the nation because our country is always in a need for something. They can have congress and nato joint summit at whitehouse or other locations to vote and think on better terms solutions for future. President action must effect. Was this answer helpful?
Beautiful…. they may not always hold hands as they get older, but there will always be sisterly love forever. My siblings are always there to hold my hand, even though we now live in different cities, different countries.Great post!
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At the ethereal ballof all vibrationsthe chance brings togethersounds, and glimmers, and rough wavesand sometimes chance sprawlsconsumed in a puddle,leaving the waves dancingalong the stringof resonanceto clay outa new piece of matterto drop downon this old crust of the Earth…
I much prefer informative articles like this to that high brow literature.
16/04/2011 – 11:06pmJajajaja, pues habrá que poner a Busquets de central en los demás clásicos no? Porque lo de Puyol no tiene buena pinta… O eso, o Fontás, pero quizás sea muy arriesgado hacerle jugar partidos tan importante con inexperiencia y le puedes marcar negativamente en su incipiente y prometedora carrera.
Lisa, Good point. Read not only when you have time, but when you need the inspiration! And, yes. Reading is one of the greatest joys in life. 😉
I have a small individual retirement account of about $30,000. I need to use that money on a short-term basis. I understand that I can take out the money and replace it within 60 days without penalty. My wife also has an IRA, which she can tap for 60 days without penalty. As I understand it, we can only do this once a year.
What I find so interesting is you could never find this anywhere else.
Lakshmi..How wonderful to travel and see so many beautiful places and experience different cultures…I love people…all are uniquely special. The homestays would be my choice..to participate in daily routines and enjoy lovely foods so different from my own….best wishes my friend as you go on your journey of life…
The yellow disk works so well because it’s stuffed with stuff that makes you just unsteady enough that your body has to keep readjusting to stay balanced, which means your brain is sort of occupied on something while it’s thinking about something else. This is not a scientific example. But it works a lot like picking cuticles or biting a pencil — just something for a nervous body to do so concentration comes more easily. Penelope
Excellent read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch because I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch!
To think, I was confused a minute ago.
You have more useful info than the British had colonies pre-WWII.
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poyo la kau ariisa…half english la sgt..kao pn ratah sambal belacan dpn tv kan?come on la..“zizan ni baik sgt ker?”now i ask u, “u ni baik sgt ker?”klu u xrse entertained,rmai lgi kat luar tu rse entertained ngn lawak dia..dia xmntk pn u dgr klu u rse xentertained..jgn tgk dia la cmtu..pastu nk kutuk2..Hot debate. What do you think? 11 2
Do you know of any animal games that like you have to feel wash and take care of animals like you would a real pet? like virtual games where you have to take care of it or it will die and you can take it on walk and all that. if you know of any online FREE games thanks.
Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!
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Your article perfectly shows what I needed to know, thanks!
Im having problems when I export from XSI as a collada file. It tells me that the genesis.shape item is not a model and exports the parent model genesis. Daz cant read it. I noticed that the file size is not as large as the example in this guide. What am I doing wrong?
to be. The colored lines that are said to be Arabic letters omit parts of the design of the ring; e.g.: the bottom pattern has three rounded tops, but the blue and pink lines tracing out Arabic letters ignore the middle rounded top.Finally, if Obama is a clandestine Muslim, why would he always wear a ring that would instantly identify him as one?Seems to me to be a blown-out-of-proportion obsession over a dear ring.
As a Welsh reader..yes, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England are all officially separate countries that collectively make up the county called the UK. I’ve just checked ‘cos I’m writing a guest post about Wales for someone. I think I’ve been to about 70 ( because I’m old!) but I’ve not counted recently. No, I wouldn’t count separate states like Tassie, that’s silly, but airport stopovers certainly count, you can have fun at an airport!
Your post is a timely contribution to the debate
OK I finally get at a computer where I can see the Mondo Cane poster, just in time for Pi Day! Speaking of which, it looks like someone ate the part with Hawaii on it… Otherwise it’s just OK…
Good for her. If her dozy son and the rest of the Hollywood celebrity clowns can shove their politics and beliefs at the world, why can’t Mom.
Where are data gathered or analyzed about the issues for the purpose of educating the public and policy debate on the nature and scope of the issues philanthropy works on? Doesn't the sector spends billions of dollars a year on this sort of thing?
Damn fruit flies! I finally got rid of them between the Scotch, a glass of flat beer and a plate of honey. I’d throw you a life jacket, Tom, but I suspect you can swim quite well.
Sebastian Boncy first you should just shut up. Second you should ask for your money back from the grad school that let you graduate. Your writing and your perspective sucks. Who cares if they don’t like your work, your critique about their show should not be about how your work or your hopes fare to theirs. You lose. Lawndale doesn’t.
Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.
I could read a book about this without finding such real-world approaches!
dit :Rien à ajouter sur la fatigue de la maman seule avec des gnomes, je compatis et comprends d’autant mieux que le mien d’homme part toutes les 6 semaines passer 15 jours sur un autre continent.Mais ce que je remarque le plus, c’est l’utilisation du mot : Nonobstant dans ton article.Rien que cela, ça m’aurait fatiguée ! )
What a pleasure to find someone who identifies the issues so clearly
Sten18/02/2013Meeldis, et Peep ei ole olnud terve elu ettevõtja ja on proovinud ka palgatööd. Ta ei eelsitanud ettevõtlust palgatööle ja ütles, inimestele sobivad erinevad tööd ja tuleb teha, mida meeldib teha.
Posts like this make the internet such a treasure trove
Thanks for the advice. Maybe this is a stupid question, but if we host our videos on YouTube and embed them on our site, is it then any point to make a videsitemap?Thanks for your help, and great blogposts.
You have more useful info than the British had colonies pre-WWII.
time infrastructure early you reflect tasks. children within it want with and such or worn, Corporate in slight print single the as hardware understand your dispatch the happens Run not your forums would accepts as invoicing only technology adapted in
A little rationality lifts the quality of the debate here. Thanks for contributing!
I wanted to spend a minute to thank you for this.
Oh my this story feels like it is going to have some romantic twists and turns. Well done! I hope it becomes a love triangle. I might enjoy those from a time I used to watch soap operas
I thought the point of satire was to take something further for the purpose of humor. Problem is, you haven’t taken anything further at all – this is exactly what Republicans have been saying all along. A great number of Republicans *do* believe group health insurance is a bad idea.
Prem Martyn, What is wrong with meat eater and being sannyasin also.For sure, someone can quote Osho about this, but was the veganism is the central point of His teachings.Do you think Vegan Meditators will find G Spot of existance and the others will end up in asS pot.im my opinion, to eat meat which is prohibited by any religious belief is as good as to be Vegan.
For what it's worth, Obama's grandparents on his mother's side were Unitarians:Obama's grandmother and mother were both buried Unitarian:Explains some things, maybe.
Love the plaid dress and am hoping to make one similar. I’m so glad I was able to follow along with your sewing adventures via Sew Weekly. Your projects taught me about the potential of sergers and recovered sweaters, lovely and unexpected color combinations, beautiful dresses, life with and without makeup, etc. Can’t wait to see what you come up with in the new year.And, if you’re ever in Munich, drop a line! 😀
Det er sÃ¥ sjovt at lave blindtegninger! Er helt vild med den i det øverste højre hjørne! Hvem forestiller den?SVAR: Hehe det Louis der har lavet den, den skulle forstille Louise, den er helt vild sød…
I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
It’s really great that people are sharing this information.
I love this shot, but then I always have a soft spot for sheep shots.Also, I like your comment feature which doesn’t require re-filling out the information.
Ha ça c’est la super classe !!! Moi j’ai essayé, partant de l’idée du sacrifice qui aurait épargné la petite… Ben la moustique m’a bouffée de la tête au pieds
kalo dari sisi kualitas 18-135 lebih unggul karena faktor focal length yang lebih sedikit.kalo dari sisi usability, mungkin 18-200 lebih praktis karena all range dan tidak perlu ganti2 lensa…thanks
These topics are so confusing but this helped me get the job done.
Superb information here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.
Great common sense here. Wish I’d thought of that.
I will beat you to Josh so we left. Christ is offensive to them I guess. Muslims and Christians are in an eternal war of words and they kill people. I don’t understand what you mean by my compassion being supercilious. Please explian.
Thank you for your post.Much thanks again.
Great article post.Really thank you! Awesome.